11 Best Books on Political Science

Despite its recent recognition as a science, thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle have focused on these issues since antiquity. That is, its roots are directly linked to the history of human knowledge.

In general, Political Science encompasses the studies of phenomena linked to political structures of systematic way, based on deep empirical observations and based on arguments rational.

It is one of the disciplines of Social Sciences that is responsible for studying political behavior, government systems, acts and actors participating in political activities, among others.

As this is a complex topic, several areas of knowledge end up intertwining with it, mainly because it emerged in a time when other social sciences were experiencing an effervescence of ideas and theories, putting scientific progress in vogue.

For those interested in the topic, are students or professionals in the field, we made a selection of books on political science. We included from classic authors, such as Machiavelli, to contemporary ones, such as the Brazilian jurist Celso Ribeiro Barros. Check out our suggestions and have a good read!

The Prince - Machiavelli

Book - The Prince - Nicolas Machiavelli

Impossible to start the list with a different book. The Italian author's work is the most basic for anyone interested in political science and related fields. Machiavelli wrote The Prince in 1513, and thanks to him, he became known as "the father of modern political science". The work is a precursor of the concept of the State as a form of organization of society, as we know it today. The classic, when it was conceived, was a manual that was intended to teach a new prince, that to control his state it is necessary to act with subtlety and cunning, and more, to maintain an army consolidated.

The Classics of Politics: Volume 1 – Organization by Francisco C. Weffort

Book - The Classics of Politics

Continuing the basic works, the first volume of The Classics of Politics brings together the characters who accompanied the formation of the modern state, in the process that encompasses more than two centuries of history of Europe. The work brings together fundamental texts to understand the ideas of renowned authors. In addition to the aforementioned Machiavelli, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hobbes and Locke.

Power: A Radical View – Steven Lukes

Another classic work of political science, the book is for those who are fluent in the English language, as it has not yet been translated into Portuguese. However, the reading is very worthwhile, as talking about politics without understanding what power is is practically impossible. The book, written in the 70s, is still current as it tries to give answers to questions that explain the concept of power in detail.

Science and Politics: Two Vocations – Max Weber

Another key book to list! The work written by sociologist Max Weber brings together essays in which the German theorist deals with both subjects. Based on the lectures given by the author, he details tangent and divergent points between the two professions, analyzing how science contributes to human rationality. Furthermore, demonstrating the characteristics of the modern state and its functional structure.

Introduction to Political Science: Theories, Methods and Themes – António José Fernandes

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Involving themes of contemporary political science, the Portuguese author mixes analysis and description of the concept, evolution, theories, methods and techniques in the area. The book is the result of more than a decade of teaching practice and also the result of a deep reflection on the different perspectives of observation, comparison and systematization of political facts. Didactic and pedagogical, the work elucidates modern political phenomena with a systematic approach.

Schematic Lessons in Political Science and General Theory of the State: Evolution of Institutions and Political Thought – Reis Friede

Book - Schematic Lessons in Political Science and General Theory of the State

Aimed at the general public, which demonstrates the desire to acquire knowledge about Constitutional Law, professionals and students in the field, the work addresses some basic themes. Among them, the detailing of the phenomenon that constituted the Theory of the State, in addition to the Theory of the Constitution and the main points of the document that gives legal form to the State, followed by other notorious themes of Constitutional Law concerning the text of the Magna Carta of 1988.

Political Science & State Theory – Lenio Luiz Streck and José Luis Bolzan de Morais

Book - Political Science & State Theory

According to the authors themselves, the book can be used as a way to understand reality of the contemporary State, with the clear intention of arousing the reader's attention to the matters of the area. Political Science & State Theory analyzes the various aspects that involve the functioning of institutions responsible for society.

The Science of Politics: An Introduction – Adriano Gianturco

Recently published and more than indicated for those who want to delve into the subject, Adriano Gianturco's book has his intention is to focus on how politics is in fact, and not on how it should be, a role he attributes to Philosophy. Important concepts are addressed, such as the State, taxes, corruption, electoral systems, voting, elections, social movements, revolutions and bills. These questions are raised, above all, to make sure that the study of politics is a science and not a mere “guess”.

Manual of Political Philosophy – Flamarion Caldeira Ramos, Rúrion Melo and Yara Frateschi

By the name of the book, people tend to understand it as a simple overview of the main currents and thinkers in the field. On the contrary, it is a critical exhibition of the most notorious excerpts from the history of the discipline. The themes are fundamental for the humanistic formation of the reader and go through important authors, such as Plato, Aristotle, Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Marx, Hegel, Weber, Rousseau and Kant. Essential for a general understanding of republicanism, contractualism, classical and contemporary liberalism, socialism, and others.

State Theory and Political Science Course – Celso Ribeiro Bastos

Celso Ribeiro Bastos was a Brazilian jurist and professor, respected for his constitutionalist and tax practice. The book, fundamental for beginners in the field, deals with topics such as an introduction to the theory of the State and science politics, society, State, territory, people, sovereign power, main government regimes, electoral systems, between others.

The Relevance of Political Science – Organized by Gláucio Ary Dillon Soares and Antonio Lavareda

Book - The Relevance of Political Science

One of the main purposes of the work is to perpetuate the intellectual heritage and contributions left by Olavo Brazil by Lima Júnior, one of the greatest references in studies on parties and party systems in the Brazil. The thinker left a beautiful legacy, which in fact deserves to be known and studied by future generations.

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