Individual Student Report Templates in Early Childhood Education (2 years)

O individual student report its function is to communicate to parents the development of their children in the classroom. This communication can only be made at the end of the school year or at some period determined by the educational institution itself.

The teacher must be very attentive when producing the report, as the document will be attached to the student's history. Therefore, be very careful with expressions that indicate ambiguities.

In addition, all the child's qualities and difficulties should be scored, so that parents can recognize how they performed during that period.

Check out now some models for you to be inspired when producing an individual student report in kindergarten (2 years).

Individual student report in early childhood education (2 years)


  • Model 1
  • Model 2
  • Model 3
  • Model 4
  • Model 5
  • Model 6

Model 1

(name of the student) was a little apprehensive and tearful at the beginning of the school year. Gradually and with encouragement, he felt more integrated in the class and began to participate more in the games.

Shows to be a very shy child, does not interact much with colleagues and prefers to play alone with carts and some assembly parts.

But despite being an introvert, he is interested in activities. Also, he is very curious and observant. He really likes the songs and choreography.

He prefers to eat alone in the cafeteria and prefers to sit in the same places.

(name of the student) he also usually sanitizes himself (washing his hands, brushing his teeth), but following the teacher's instructions.

Model 2

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(name ofstudent) he was very shy at first. But, he managed to fit in with everyone even in the early days. With great joy, he usually participates in the games in the classroom and when there is music involved, he likes to dance.

(name of the student)he is also very fond of watching cartoons and always invites colleagues to watch together.

During the games, he usually asks his colleagues about what they are doing and exchanges information with them.

He likes to express himself through his voice and reports the facts, even if not always clearly. Just short and simple sentences.

An observation is that (name of the student) he was never aggressive. However, for some time now, it has bitten colleagues. He is always talked to about attitude.

Model 3

(name of the student) usually arrives in the room crying. He doesn't always accept comfort and isolate himself in some corner. After some time, he sits down next to a colleague and stops crying.

When someone bothers him, he usually looks for a teacher and reports what happened, waiting for some intervention. He has a very good relationship with students and teachers at the school.

Expresses itself well orally. Can answer simple questions and ask for help whenever necessary. In addition, it helps to collect toys without negative manifestations.

(name of the student) likes plastic activities and music a lot. She participates in dances and loves choreography.

Parents informed that (name of the student) cannot consume milk. That's why we offer soy milk. But, (name of the student) does not usually have a snack and refuses milk.

Model 4

In the adaptation period, (name of the student) was a very tearful child. However, he started to enjoy participating in the training sessions and with that, he started to calm down.

Despite showing tranquility most of the time, he does not control his negative emotions and sometimes cries a lot asking for the teacher's attention.

It usually feeds very easily, without the need for an adult to intervene. But, he usually takes food from his colleague next door with his hands and without asking permission.

(name ofstudent) is a very shy and observant child. Likewise, participate in all proposed activities. Less in conflict situations, which is a spectator.

In musical activities, he usually participates intensely. As well as on the playground, especially on the slide and playing with sand.

Model 5

(name of the student) is a very communicative person. At no time did he show difficulties to adapt. You already know practically the whole school.

In addition, he also proved to be a very curious child and always asks the teacher what activities will be delivered and what will happen during the day.

She always communicates conflict situations to the teacher, expecting some intervention. When there is your participation in these situations, (name of the student) isolates himself and stays in a corner with shame. He only goes back to activities after talking to the educator.

In group activities, he shows a lot of excitement, however, he always hopes that his wishes are done.

Model 6

In your adaptation period, (name of the student) he was very tearful and always called for his mother. Generally, he is calmer in playground games and likes the swing and slide.

At snack time, he does not usually eat. The most he does is taste and then he gives up eating. Educators usually encourage their diet, but it doesn't work.

(name of the student) is interested in the moments of circle and listens carefully to the narrated stories. He loves songs and reacts very well to musical activities.

At the time of the paintings, he likes to copy what the colleague next to him is doing and is very happy when he is praised.

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