Rupture means breaking, violently breaking, interrupting, violating, cutting, voiding a covenant or a treaty. Rupture is the act or effect of breaking, brusquely violating something that had been...
A diplomat is a person who holds a position of diplomacy, responsible for representing the interests of a nation before other countries abroad. Furthermore, it is also your job to establish and maintain...
Iconography is a feminine noun of the Portuguese language and defines the study of subjects represented by artistic images, works of art, relating to their sources and meanings. The origin of...
Mulambo, or molambo, means farrapo, and is a term of Angolan origin. Mulambo first appeared with slaves, at the time of slavery, and then began to be used in a pejorative sense, to...
Christian ethics are the principles established and considered by the Catholic Church, with the aim of make Church teachings as standards for acting in society, in relationships interpersonal...
Unanimity is a feminine noun that means the quality of something unanimous, that is, that there is an agreement or conformity in some area (opinions, votes, judgments, ideas, etc.). A decision by...
Inferring means deducing, concluding. It is to reach a final conclusion, about some fact that occurred, through successive deductions. Inferring is a transitive verb that is conjugated in the same way as the verb...
Gore or Splatter is a cinematic subgenre of horror movies, which is characterized by presence of extremely violent scenes, with a lot of blood, viscera and human or animals...
Ultima ratio means “last reason” or “last resort”. It is an expression originating in Latin and frequently used in Law. It is said that Criminal Law is the ultima ratio, that is, it is the...
Ubiquity means being present everywhere at the same time. It is the property or state of what is ubiquitous, which is the ability to be in different places at the same time. Ubiquitous is an adjective, "of...
Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory that seeks to understand the foundations of ethics and morals from the consequences of actions. In this case, utilitarianism consists of the idea that an action can only be...
Serenity is the feeling of what is still, gentle and gentle. The word serenity is a feminine noun that has the same root as the word serene. Both come from the Latin serenus, which originated the...
Civil war is characterized as an armed conflict between organized groups within the same state. On rare occasions, a civil war can also break out between two countries that were created to...
Shaman (shaman in English) is a traditional priest of shamanism who has contact with the spirit world, showing particular ability to prophecy or cure. Wizard, sorcerer, healer, witch,...
Political act means governmental act, and is practiced by political agents in the performance of executive, legislative and judicial functions, in accordance with the competence established in the...