Popular Meanings (177)

meaning of pop

Pop is an abbreviation of the word "popular", which is used in both English and Portuguese. This word can have different meanings, it all depends on how and when it is used. Pop could be the...

Meaning of Hourglass

Hourglass is a device used to measure the fraction of a time. A classic hourglass consists of two conical compartments, made of glass, which communicate with each other through an apex...

Definition of Marketplace

Marketplace is a place where goods and services are traded. The word is a combination of the English terms market, which means "market" and place, which means "place". The market can happen in a...

Definition of Contingent

Contingent consists both in the idea of ​​what is uncertain, unforeseen and accidental, as it can also represent a specific group within a collectivity, depending on the context in which the word é...

Meaning of Aggregate

Aggregate is a transitive verb that means to join with the other, to join something that already exists. For example: grouping people, incorporating new ideas, new techniques, inserting new elements, new information...

Definition of Freak

Freak is a word of English origin that means "aberration" in the Portuguese language, used to describe something that is out of the ordinary; abnormal or supernatural. The term freak is often used as...

Meaning of distilled water

Distilled water is the pure state of water, not mixed with other substances and microorganisms. It is obtained through the process of distillation. Even though it is clean water, its ingestion...

Meaning of Condensation

Condensation or liquefaction is the chemical process of transforming matter from a gaseous state to a liquid. In short, it consists of the inverse of vaporization, when the matter in the liquid state is...

meaning of indifferent

Indifferent is the adjective that qualifies something or someone who does not recognize the importance of a certain thing, and does not show preference or emotion. An indifferent person is one who acts with...

Definition of Oscillation

Oscillation is a variation, a fluctuation, a change, it is an alternating movement in opposite directions, it is the movement now to one side now to the other. In the figurative sense, oscillation is a variation, it is...

Definition of Close up

Close up is an expression in English, widely used in photography and video recording that means a shot where the camera is very close to the person or object in question, enabling one...

Definition of Natural Landscape

Natural landscape is any environment that has not suffered human influence, keeping all the elements and typical characteristics of nature preserved. Dense and virgin forests, mountain tops and...

Definition of Polytheism

Polytheism is a religious system that consists of the belief in different deities. In polytheistic societies, the existence of multiple gods is admitted, usually each one dedicated to one...

Definition of national identity

National identity is a concept that indicates the social condition and the feeling of belonging to a certain culture. The concept of national identity only began to gain strength in the 19th century, when...

Definition of PCC

PCC stands for First Command of the Capital, a Brazilian criminal faction that commands several illicit acts such as assaults, kidnappings, murders, drug trafficking and riots in the prisons...

Popular Meanings (36)

Territory meaningTerritory can be a delimited area under ownership, whether that of an animal, a ...

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Popular Meanings (37)

Definition of OsmosisOsmosis is the process of moving water between different types of concentrat...

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Popular Meanings (35)

Definition of ISO 9001ISO 9001 is a standardization standard for a particular service or product....

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