Geography is a science that studies the human space in its various aspects: physical, biological and human. Geography also studies the relationship between the physical, biological and human aspects of...
Disseminating is the act of making something propagate in different and wide directions, spreading something over long distances. When it is said, for example, that a disease has spread,...
Gesture is the gesture of some specific part of the body, such as the arms, hands and head, for example, which usually represents a non-verbal communication signal, used to express ideas or...
Chonga is a pejorative adjective used to describe a silly, silly, sluggish person, etc. Chonga can be used as a variation of tchonga, tchonga-monga or songa-monga, to insult a person who...
Northern Europe is an expression referring to the countries that are located in the north of the European continent. Northern is also an adjective that describes an inhabitant who lives in the northern region,...
Indifferent is the adjective that qualifies something or someone who does not recognize the importance of a certain thing, and does not show preference or emotion. An indifferent person is one who acts with...
The Pansy flower means romantic and lasting love. The combinations of three colors that appear in the delicate flowers are the reason for also being called "Trinity grass", a reference to...
Ground is the basis and principle of something, the primordial rules or laws that regulate something. It can also refer to the cause, reason or explanation of something, as well as what it can serve as...
Present is an adjective or noun that expresses what exists or happens at the time of speech or what is in the current tense, attending an event personally. The word present derives from the term...
Chimera can have different meanings, depending on how it is used. Chimera can be a fish, a mythical figure, a genetic phenomenon, among other things. Chimera is a cartilaginous fish that lives in...
Non-renewable energy is the designation given to an energy resource that, after being used, cannot be regenerated by human beings or by nature within a useful period of time. Fossil fuels like the...
Bribery is an unlawful act that consists in inducing someone to perform a certain act in exchange for money, material goods or other private benefits. Under the law, bribery is...
Windows is a multitasking operating system for computers and mobile devices, developed by Microsoft. The word Windows literally means "windows" in English translation.
Civil war is characterized as an armed conflict between organized groups within the same state. On rare occasions, a civil war can also break out between two countries that were created to...
Caliph is a title attributed to the religious leader of the Islamic community, considered by Muslims to be one of the successors of the Prophet Muhammad. The caliph is the ultimate head of a caliphate, which consists of a...