Baroque art emerged in Italy and consolidated from the 17th century onwards in Europe and America. This movement was inspired by the artistic works of classical antiquity and sought to restore the strength of the Church...
Mediator is the position that a certain individual performs as an intermediary between two different parties, who normally oppose each other. The mediator has the role of intervening in the communication between the parties...
Stanozolol is a synthetic anabolic steroid that is widely used for gaining muscle mass and burning fat. Popularly, this anabolic drug, derived from testosterone, is known...
Plural refers to anything that is composed of more than one element. In Portuguese, the plural is the numeral grammatical class that expresses the variables formed by two elements onwards. The use of...
The hammer and sickle is one of the most used symbols to represent socialist and communist, disseminated mainly by personalities such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin...
Homosexuality is a characteristic attributed to living beings who feel attracted to physically, aesthetically or emotionally by another living being who has the same biological sex and the same...
Chapada are terrains with extensive flat surfaces in mountain regions with altitudes generally above 600 meters. It is a vast plain with undergrowth. In Brazil, the plateaus are...
“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a popular expression written by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, used to convey the idea of the power of communication through images. The meaning...
Friend of the jaguar is the individual who proves to be a friend, and at the same time, he is someone who cannot be trusted, as he is a false person, who betrays friendships, hypocritical and unfaithful. The origin of the term friend of the jaguar...
Retumbante is a two-gender adjective originating from the verb retumbar, which means something that resounds, resonates, echoes. Something classified as resounding is resonant and rumbling, and makes a big...
Apology is a form of defense, support or support in favor of something or someone, usually developed in the form of speech or written text. As a rule, apologies refer to the support of ideologies,...
Fanfics are fictional stories created by fans, which are based on different characters and movie stories, books, series, comic books, video games, manga, anime, groups musicals,...
E-commerce is the English abbreviation for electronic commerce, which means "electronic commerce" in Portuguese. E-commerce is a commerce model based on electronic platforms such as...
Lyric is the quality of something sentimental, which stands out for its excessive sentimentality. This adjective is usually used to refer to the literary genre composed by the use of singing and music,...
Solemnity is the feminine noun meaning the quality of what is solemn, emphatic and majestic. In many cases, the word solemnity is synonymous with a ceremony that makes an event be...