6 Fast and Easy Dynamics for Work, Classroom and More

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The first step is to distribute two balloons and a piece of string to each participant. The string should be tied around the waist, along with the balloons.

Then, inflate the two balloons and attach them to the string, one on each side of the waist. Each person should try to pop each other's balloons while protecting their balloons.

You should only use your hands – therefore, avoid sharp objects that could cause accidents (toothpicks, nails, pins, etc.). In addition to awakening the competitive feeling, which is important for the job market, the team will undoubtedly have fun.

As different as we may seem from each other, there's always something in common you didn't even know about. In this dynamic, people are divided into groups of three, gathered to look for 2 or 3 things in common between them.

This is a fun way to break the ice and get to know your colleague better and see what you guys have been like, generating thus, a sympathy between them, something essential between employees so that they can perform their activities well together.

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The team/class should gather in a circle, the leader of the dynamic asks for a volunteer, who stands up and will answer the questions with words starting with the letter he asks for.
Example: Bruno with the letter R.
– His name: Renato
– Profession: Copywriter

City where he was born: Rondônia
– Where will you live: Rio
– Name of three brothers: Rodolfo. Rodrigo, Raisa.

If there is any hesitation in the answer, error, the participant loses the turn and another volunteer is looked for, as far as it is interesting to continue the game. This exercise, in addition to warming up the reasoning, stimulates creativity, exercising the level of mental agility.

The first step is choosing a theme (example: tire).
Then, the leader asks participants to form teams to cite related words to the theme, but at the same time it must meet the criteria of a password known only to the leader.

The same will have to limit itself to saying if the word is or not related to the theme/password, until the participants discover what the password is (for example: monosyllable words). In this case, in addition to reawakening mental agility, teamwork is strengthened.

First, the coordinator fixes numbered postcards in a place visible to the group.

Afterwards, the coordinator invites those present to silently observe the postcards, choosing each one that they like the most and also the one they like least. Each one writes in the notebook, the reason for the choice.

When gathered, each person comments on their choice; first, they indicate the postcards that they didn't like, and then the ones they liked the most. This activity is for the integration of the participants and to get to know and debate about possible opinions different from yours.

Participants should receive a white sheet and colored pencils to draw an animal that represents their personality well. Afterwards, everyone must change their drawings and, participants must discuss with the group what they imagined of their colleague's way of being based on the image he created. Without a doubt, creative images and very funny descriptions will come out.

Certainly, these activities will yield good laughs, and will be a great opportunity for networking among people in the environment.


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