What is Philosophy? The word Philosophy it comes from the Greek and means “love of wisdom”. Studies in this area are related to knowledge, truth, moral values, mind, language, among others.
The person responsible for carrying out these studies is appointed as a philosopher. Some have become known worldwide. For example, who has never heard of the famous phrase “I think therefore I am” by René Descartes? Or in Socrates' “I only know that I know nothing”?
Therefore, thinking of the great names in Philosophy, we prepared a list with 10 philosophers who marked the world.
10. Saint Augustine

If you want to meet a person, don't ask them what they think, but what they love.
In addition to being a philosopher, St. Augustine was a Catholic bishop and theologian. By Catholics he is seen as a saint. Even more, as a doctor of church doctrine. He lived from 354 AD. C to 430 d. Ç. .
9. Friedrich Nietzsche

Nothing belongs to you more than your dreams.
The philosopher saw no meaning for human existence. He was the author of terms like “super man”. This referred to a superior man. That is, that he would have the ability to transform what would be established by humanity and thus elevate it. He inspired several movements, such as the existentialism of Jean-Paul Sartre. Nietzsche lived from 1844 to 1900.
8. Immanuel Kant
Man is nothing but what education makes him.
Kant he became known as the last philosopher who followed the principles of the Modern Era, with greater emphasis on the Enlightenment. Furthermore, Kant greatly impacted German Romanticism as well as idealistic philosophies. He lived from 1724 to 1804.
7. Saint Thomas Aquinas

Humility is the first step to wisdom.
The philosopher is also considered one of the greatest theologians of the Catholic church. One of his greatest influences was Aristotle and he still reflected deeply on issues such as ethics and metaphysics. In addition to building a new meaning to the causes of being and justifying reality. Saint Thomas Aquinas he lived from 1225 to 1274.
6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Generally those who know little say a lot and those who know a lot say little.
In addition to being a philosopher, Rousseau he was a political theorist, music composer and writer. He is considered one of the great names of the French Enlightenment and Romanticism. Its main ideologies were inspired by the French Revolution. The theory of the “Social Contract” is his authorship and refers to the rights of society. He lived from 1712 to 1778.
5. Euclid of Alexandria
The laws of nature are just God's mathematical thoughts.
This philosopher was the creator of the famous Euclidean geometry. In addition, he was a Platonic teacher and mathematician. His education was in Athens and he was still at Plato's Academy, precisely in the period of growth of the Hellenistic culture. He lived from 360 BC. C to 295 a. Ç.
4. Rene Descartes
There are no easy methods to solve difficult problems.
René Descartes was well known for the invention of Cartesian coordinates and for having influenced modern calculus. In addition to being known as the father of modern philosophy, he is seen as the founder of modern mathematics. He was revolutionary in his fields of expertise. Descartes lived from 1596 to 1650.
3. Plato
Try to move the world – the first step will be to move yourself.
The philosopher was one of Socrates' disciples. Furthermore, he was responsible for founding the Academy and was even a teacher of Aristotle. His philosophy is considered very influential and his main studies were in the area of politics and metaphysics. Plato lived from 428 BC. C to 347 a. Ç.
2. Aristotle
The sage never says everything he thinks, but he always thinks everything he says.
This Philosopher is considered one of the greatest thinkers of all time. He had a great contribution to human thought, mainly in areas such as metaphysics, logic, politics, among others. Aristotle lived from 384 a. C to 322 a. Ç.
1. Socrates

Wise is one who knows the limits of his own ignorance.
Firstly, we have Socrates. This Philosopher was of great importance to Western Philosophy. In fact, he is the founder of what is known today as Western Philosophy. His early studies were based on the nature of the human soul. His contribution was fundamental to the ethical character of Philosophy. Sócrates lived from 470 a. C to 399 a. Ç.
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