Exercises on diseases caused by viruses

You virus they are very small and acellular organisms, so, many scientists don't even consider them to be living beings, so they are not part of any of the five realms.

They are composed only of a protein capsule that surrounds the genetic material that can be DNA or RNA and they can undergo several mutations in a short period of time, making it difficult to control their multiplication.

We prepare a list of exercises on virus-borne diseases so you can test your knowledge of these organisms that are pathological agents of many diseases!

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Exercises on diseases caused by viruses

1) (UNICAMP) Thanks to vaccination campaigns, polio was considered eradicated in Brazil: the last case was registered in 1989. However, the Ministry of Health found an alarming vaccination coverage (below 50%) in 312 Brazilian municipalities in 2018. Vaccination is the only way to prevent polio; it is a matter of social responsibility included in the Ministry of Health's National Immunization Program.

Source: portalms.saude.gov.br/noticias/agencia-saude/43797-ministerio-da-saude-alerta-parabas-coberação-vacinais-para-polio.

Tick ​​the alternative that correctly characterizes polio.

a) It is a contagious viral disease, which can be transmitted through the ingestion of water or food contaminated by sick feces.
b) The transmission of the virus occurs through hematophagous vectors that have bitten an infected person in the acute phase of the disease.
c) It is a bacterial disease transmitted by droplets of saliva or blood from contaminated people, with a high risk of contagion.
d) The transmission of the bacteria occurs through arthropod vectors that have bitten an infected person in the chronic phase of the disease.

2) (FATEC) Viruses are tiny biological “pirates” because they invade cells, loot their nutrients and use their chemical reactions to reproduce. Soon after, the invaders' descendants transmit themselves to other cells, causing devastating damage. These damages are called viruses, such as rabies, dengue hemorrhagic fever, measles, flu, etc. Modified text from the book “PIRATES OF THE CELL”, by Andrew Scott.

According to the text, it is correct to state:

a) viruses use their own metabolism to destroy cells, causing viruses.
b) viruses use host cell DNA to produce other viruses.
c) viruses do not have their own metabolism.
d) viruses always result from genetic modifications of the host cell.
e) viruses are genetic transcripts induced by viruses that degenerate chromatin in the host cell.

3) (UECE) Pay attention to what is said about viruses, and mark with V what is true and with F what is false.

( ) A virus that approaches the host cell injects its genetic material and multiplies with the help of the infected cell's organelles and has a lysogenic cycle.
( ) Every virus has a protective protein capsule called a capsid that encloses a DNA or RNA genome.
( ) In the lytic cycle, the virus invades the host cell and adds its genetic material to its genome.
( ) Although it can be caused by fungi and bacteria, pneumonia can also have a viral origin.

The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is:

a) V, V, F, F.
b) F, V, F, V.
c) F, F, V, V.
d) V, F, V, F.

4) (UNICAMP) HPV is part of the Caudovirus group. Genital warts caused by virus infection have been studied since antiquity, but the virus was only discovered 40 years ago. It can be correctly stated that:

a) the main way to acquire HPV is through the ingestion of contaminated food.
b) cervical cancer cannot be caused by the HPV virus.
c) the HPV virus can remain latent for several years.
d) there is no treatment or vaccine for HPV.

5) (USF) Ebola virus is transmitted by contact with mucous membranes or skin wounds (First European victim died this Tuesday (12), in Madrid. Since March, more than a thousand have died in Africa; WHO decreed emergency). The Ebola virus made its first European victim on Tuesday (12). Spanish missionary Miguel Pajares, 75, contracted the disease in Liberia and was transferred to a hospital in Spain on the 7th. Since March, the disease has killed more than a thousand people in Africa. And the World Health Organization (WHO) declared an international emergency because of the epidemic. Health officials are concerned that this is the first time Ebola has reached densely populated cities. According to infectologists Caio Rosenthal and Esper Kallás, the virus is transmitted by mucous membranes (mouth, nose and eyes) or wounds on the skin in direct contact with blood, tissues, bodily fluids or secretions (stool, urine, saliva, semen) of people infected. Transmission can also occur through contact with animals (mammals such as chimpanzees, porcupines, bats or antelopes) or contaminated objects such as clothing, bedding or needles used by patients. Therefore, contagion by the virus does not occur through water, food or air. Available in: Accessed on: 09/05/2014, at 3:34 pm, for educational purposes.

The behavior against a virus is different from the behavior against a bacteriosis or a protozoosis, considering that the microorganisms causing the aforementioned diseases are biological in nature different. Regarding viruses, tick the correct alternative.

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a) They are very lethal, as with a little carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen they can synthesize basic organic molecules.
b) They are obligate intracellular parasites.
c) They are genetically versatile because they have DNA and all three types of RNA.
d) They are easily controlled with drugs because they have a low mutation rate.
e) The current generation of antibiotics is quite effective for most viruses.

6) (UDESC) In the news there is a lot of emphasis on diseases: dengue, zica, yellow fever, chikungunya and more recently the H1N1 flu caused by viruses.

Analyze the propositions regarding virus transmission.

I – Some types of viruses can be transmitted by simple touch between people.
II – Some viruses are transmitted by bodily secretions.
III – Some viruses need insects as vectors.
IV – Viruses retain their infective capacity for a short time, when outside the host organism.

Answer according to the above propositions.

a) Only statements I, II and IV are true.
b) Only statements II and III are true.
c) Only statements I, II and III are true.
d) Only statements II and IV are true.
e) Only statements III and IV are true.

7) (UFV) Influenzavirus A are retroviruses and their subtypes are designated using the letters H (from hemagglutinin), N (from neuramidase), accompanied by a reference number. Misnamed swine flu, the outbreak that is causing human disturbance is caused by a subtype identified as H1N1. In relation to retroviruses, it is CORRECT to state that they consist of:

a) DNA as genetic material and some enzymes necessary for its replication.
b) RNA as genetic material and a capsid containing lipids and proteins, similar to the plasma membrane.
c) a protein capsid and present RNA as genetic material.
d) a protein capsid and present DNA as genetic material.

8) (UFV) Impressed by the news of the devastating power with which the Ebola virus has been decimating a certain population in Africa, some students at a college suggested radical measures to combat the virus of this terrible disease. Considering that this infectious agent has characteristics typical of other viruses, mark the alternative that contains the most reasonable suggestion:

a) urgently discover a potent antibiotic that can destroy its nuclear membrane.
b) alter the mitochondrial enzymatic mechanism to impede its respiratory process.
c) injecting infected people with a massive dose of bacteriophage to phagocytose the virus.
d) cultivating the virus “in vitro”, similar to bacterial culture, to try to find a vaccine.
e) prevent, in any way, the replication of the virus nucleic acid molecule.

9) (UECE) With regard to Zica Virus (ZIKV), tick the true statement.

a) It can cause damage to the brain, which compromise vision, hearing and motor coordination, even without the manifestation of microcephaly.
b) From the Flaviviridae family, it corresponds to a retrovirus transmitted by the Aedes aegypti.
c) It has fever, vomiting, cough, body aches, the most serious symptom being paralysis of the lower limbs.
d) the control of the disease, in the population, involves the control of outbreaks of Aedes aegypti and by vaccination campaigns aimed at immunization against the virus.

10) Some viral diseases can be transmitted from person to person, but there are some that need of vectors to be transmitted, that is, they need organisms that transport the virus to a people. Among the diseases listed below, mark the only one that is transmitted by a vector.

a) Herpes.
b) Chikungunya fever.
c) Cold.
d) AIDS.
it's flu.


1 - the
2 - c
3 - b
4 - c
5 - b

6 - c
7 - c
8 - and
9 - the
10 – b

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See too:

  • List of Cell Cycle Exercises
  • List of exercises on reptiles
  • List of Mollusc Classification Exercises

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