What was the Inconfidência Mineira?

THE Mining Inconfidence it took place in 1789, in the captaincy of Minas Gerais, and became the most famous conjuration. During the 18th century, Brazil was still a colony submitted to its metropolis, Portugal.

The high tributes imposed by the Portuguese Crown revolted the colonists who found in the revolutionary ideals based on the Enlightenment, a way of demonstrating against the colonial system.

The Minas Inconfidence

THE Mining Inconfidence was a movement organized by the elite of Minas Gerais: intellectuals, big businessmen, some members of the captaincy administration and part of the clergy.

The majority of the mining population was unhappy with the administrative reforms adopted by the Portuguese Crown, which wanted to increase control over the colony, as well as taxes.

A large part of the mines in the region had been exhausted and, with that, the mining activity was in decline.

Disregarding this reality, the metropolis threatened to apply the spills (collection of all overdue taxes at once) to ensure the collection of taxes on the gold.

In light of this, the Minas Gerais elite began to articulate in 1789. Seeing itself harmed by the economic policy of the Crown, a movement was organized that had as in order to eliminate the payment of debts and taxes and proclaim the independence of the captaincy of Minas General.

It is important to point out that among the objectives of the movement, the liberation of the slaves.

The inconfidentes were based on the Enlightenment ideals disseminated in the continent European and American.

The movement's intellectuals were able to gain access to Enlightenment writings through young people studying in Europe and bringing the books—usually in French.

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Before its unfolding, the uprising was denounced by Joaquim Silvério dos Reis. Upon denouncing the rebellion to the governor of the province, Joaquim Silverio received the forgiveness of his debts.

Several inconfidentes were interrogated and arrested, even prestigious men who were involved in the movement were convicted.

Proclaimed in 1791, the sentence sentenced seven defendants to exile on the African continent and eleven to be hanged. However, in the following year, the sentence of all defendants sentenced to death was transformed into exile, except for Tiradentes.

With that, José da Silva Xavier, the Tiradentes, was the only individual sentenced to death.


Tiradentes was the nickname of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier. He was one of the participants in the Inconfidência Mineira, which took place at the time of the Brazil Colony.

He and his companions fought for an end to the exorbitant collection of taxes and for the independence of the captaincy of Minas Gerais.

Considered the most enthusiastic inconfident with the movement, he openly spread his ideals contrary to the position of the Portuguese Crown towards the colony.

Joaquim José da Silva Xavier was well known for being the only infidel convicted to be hanged. His head was exposed in the main square of Vila Rica and the other parts of his body were placed on the path that reached the captaincy of Minas Gerais.

Therefore, he was even declared as the main leader of the movement, which was not real. His role was admitted as secondary during the 19th century.

See more at:

  • Activities on Tiradentes
  • Brazil's economic cycles
  • precolonial period

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