Jericho is an ancient biblical city, located in Palestine, on the banks of the Jordan River. The name Jericho means "fragrant" and is derived from the Canaanite word, which has the same meaning. It is believed that Jericho...
Protagonism is the process of protagonizing, of being the protagonist, the main extra in a presentation. Derives from the Greek protagonists, where "protos" means main or first and "agonists"...
Understood is an adjective that means something that is tacit, that is understood, even though it is not expressed or stated. Something that is in the mind but has not been explicitly expressed. To imply is...
Old age is the stage of life that begins at age 60 in developing countries and at age 65 in developed countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The third age...
Organizational structure is a concept in the area of business administration and management. It deals with the way the company is organized around the division of activities and resources in order to fulfill the...
Holy War is an extremist resource that the great monotheistic religions have used throughout history to protect what they see as a threat to their dogmas and their holy places. At the origin of...
WHO is the acronym for the World Health Organization, which is an agency specialized in health, founded in 1948 and subordinated to the United Nations. WHO is headquartered in Geneva, at...
Harassment is persistent and inconvenient harassment that targets a specific person or group, affecting their peace, dignity and freedom. There are different types of harassment, such as morale,...
Social ascension is when an individual rises in class in society, having greater purchasing power. An example of social ascension can be when an individual wins the lottery, or when he gets a...
A forecast is a forecast based on actual and current facts or data, which can indicate the likely future stage of a process. In short, the prognosis is any result that is taken as a hypothesis or...
Arguments are logical ideas related to each other and with the purpose of clarifying and resolving a certain situation or doubt, for example. Arguments are usually based on premises that help...
Reiterate is a transitive verb that means to do or say again. Some synonyms are: repeat, renew, iterate, etc. This verb conveys the idea of insisting and is often used to highlight the...
Períphrase is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, used to represent the use of an expression or phrase that indirectly corresponds to a given name or word. In the classification of...
Hanging is the condition of what is hanging or raised. But, it can also mean something that hasn't been finished yet, that is suspended or prone. In Portuguese, pending can be...
Cleavage is a feminine noun and is related to the act of cleaving, dividing or separating, being present in several areas of human knowledge. Within the study of linguistics, the cleavage is...