Latest Meanings (88)

meaning of sadness

Sadness is a feeling and condition typical of human beings, characterized by a lack of joy, mood, disposition and other emotions of dissatisfaction. All human beings stay or have stayed...

meaning of profit

Profit is what is earned from something or someone; the yield; a privilege or advantage over something. The profit is considered all the positive income obtained through a trade...

meaning of enamored

Enamorado is a masculine adjective that classifies an individual who is in love, enchanted, bewitched. Ex.: "He is in love". Enamorado is also a noun, when referring to...

Definition of death penalty

Death penalty is a type of criminal conviction that is provided for and regulated in accordance with the law and legal system of the region in which it is applied. Also known as capital punishment, this sentence is used...

Definition of Consumer

Consumer is any individual or legal entity that purchases consumer goods, whether products or services; someone who shop; the one who consumes. Any individual with purchasing power, ie...

Definition of Politically Correct

Political correctness is used as a title to classify something or someone that follows the norms and laws established by an official institution. Usually, when it comes to “politically...

meaning of anxious

Anxious means restless, impatient, anguished, desirous, worried, and distressed. Anxious is an adjective, which qualifies the individual who has anxiety, who has insecurity, who has a...

Meaning of Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another and antonym is a word that has a meaning opposite to another. The difference between synonyms and antonyms is the meaning of words...

meaning of nobility

Nobility is a characteristic attributed to something or someone who is noble, that is, who belongs to the highest strata of a society. It had its greatest representation during the Middle Ages, in which...

Meaning of the Flag of Jamaica

The flag of Jamaica is represented by two diagonal yellow lines and four triangles. The top and bottom triangles are green and the side triangles are black. That flag...

Definition of Public Health

Public Health is the set of measures carried out by the State to ensure the physical, mental and social well-being of the population. At the international level, public health is coordinated by the Organization...

Definition of protective measure

Protective measures are legal mechanisms that aim to protect an individual at risk. The most common case of protective measure is the Maria da Penha Law (Law 11.340/2006), which aims to...

Definition of Hercules

Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek demigod Heracles, one of the most popular figures in ancient Greek mythology. Hercules was the son of Zeus, god of the gods, and the mortal Alcmene. Summary of the history of...

meaning of direct democracy

Direct democracy is a form of democratic government where the population has the right to directly participate in decision-making. However, this is a viable model for small companies, where...

Meaning of E=mc²

E=mc 2 is an equation of modern physics used as part of the Theory or Principle of Relativity, developed by the German physicist Albert Einstein. The famous equation determines the relationship of...

Popular Meanings (341)

Understand the difference between cisgender and transgenderCisgender (or simply cis) is the term ...

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Latest Meanings (340)

Definition of Waist GameFlexibility means having the flexibility to face something, getting out o...

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Latest Meanings (341)

meaning of noIt doesn't mean the same as saying, yes, of course. For it is not a polite way of an...

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