Popular Meanings (89)

meaning of noob

Noob (or n00b) is a slang term for “newbie”. It is popularly used in online gaming communities by more experienced players when they want to refer to new players or to...

Human values: what they are, definition and examples

Human values ​​are the moral and ethical principles that guide a person's life. They are part of the formation of conscience and the way to act and relate in a society. The values...

Definition of BHCG

BHCG (beta HCG) is the name of a pregnancy test that checks the levels of the hormone HCG in the blood. HCG is the acronym for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin which means Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The hormone...

Definition of Diagnosis

Diagnosis is a medical word that means the qualification of a doctor in relation to a disease or physical or mental condition based on the observed symptoms. The diagnosis must have...

Definition of Infrastructure

Infrastructure is a feminine noun that indicates the base or invisible structure that supports a construction. This word is formed by joining infrastructure + structure, where infra means...

Definition of Broken

Broken means weakened, dejected, without strength. It is the past participle of the verb "to break" whose etymological origin is from the Latin "crepare" which means "to break", "to break",...

Meaning of Gift

A gift is a favor, a benefit, a kindness. It is a goodwill given or received from someone. Obsequious, from the verb to obsequie, is to render gifts, provide services to, favor, treat...

Definition of Warehouse

Warehouse is a masculine noun that indicates a room or building whose function is to store various objects. This word is related to the area of ​​logistics, because it refers to a warehouse...

Definition of Unfaithful Depositary

Unfaithful custodian is an individual who has become responsible for the safekeeping of a property that does not belong to him and has allowed this property to disappear or have it been stolen, etc. From faithful trustee, it became...

Meaning of Aspect

Aspect is the masculine noun that means the outer part of something, that which is visible. The expression physical appearance only indicates the physical appearance of someone. Also, an aspect...

Definition of Corporation

Corporation is a for-profit company model, characterized by having its financial capital divided by shares. The owners of shares are called shareholders and, in this case, the company...

meaning of trivial

Trivial is something that is known to everyone; something common; a banality. When it is said that something or someone has trivial characteristics, it means that they are not considered extraordinary or special, but rather...

Definition of Deacon

Deacon is the title given to the third degree of the Order of the Sacrament, belonging to the Catholic Church. Deacons are in charge of carrying out the "service of the ministry of God", no longer being a simple...

meaning of strength

Force is the feminine noun that can mean power, energy, impulse. Also, it's a word used a lot in the context of physics. Originating in the Latin fortia, this word indicates the strength or the...

Definition of Flashback

Flashback means to quickly go back to something, in Portuguese, but it has other meanings, it depends on where it is used. In this case, flashback is a fact that happened in the past inserted in a current moment,...

Latest Meanings (35)

Meaning of the anthem of BrazilThe anthem of Brazil, or Brazilian National Anthem, was composed b...

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Latest Meanings (34)

Meaning of Dignity of the human personHuman dignity is a set of principles and values ​​that have...

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Portuguese language (35)

Meaning of Not YetHowever, it is a conjunctive phrase whose meaning refers to a situation of oppo...

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