Provisional Government (1930 to 1934)

What was the Provisional Government? O Provisional Government it was the period in the country's history from 1930 to 1934.

It was the first phase of the call It was Vargas and the second of the Brazil Republic. She was characterized by the rise of Getulio Vargas to power after emerging victorious from 1930 revolution.

This moment marked the dissatisfaction of the former state oligarchies due to the centralization of power in the hands of Vargas.

Historical context

The 1920s were troubled for the Brazilian republican system. The country's economy, which was governed by the production and sale of coffee, began to suffer from the instability of product prices on the international market.

Eager to reduce losses, many coffee producers contracted debts to increase crops and, consequently, the volume of product sales.

Such measures were insufficient. With that, the 1929 crisis led many coffee growers to economic ruin.

Decreased international consumption and falling prices caused coffee stocks to build up, causing a huge production surplus.

In the political scenario, the predominance of the states of Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo in federal power was contested by the agrarian elites of the Paraíba It's from Rio Grande do Sul.

The other social classes not linked to coffee production also wanted political representation. The growing industrialization and urbanization experienced by the country in this period created a new social class, the urban working class.

As the rulers of the First Republic were not concerned with creating laws that would regulate the occupation of urban workers, they began to demand labor rights.

Vargas' rise to power must be understood in this context:

  • End of the hegemony of oligarchies of São Paulo and Minas Gerais
  • Economic crisis
  • Political, social and cultural transformations

1930 revolution

THE 1930 revolution it was characterized by the coup d'état promoted by Getúlio Vargas. It is important to point out that a large part of society, involving politicians, was already tired of the way the political structure took place before Vargas' rise to power.

The first actions taken by the Provisional Government were:

  • Suspension of the 1891 Constitution
  • Closing of Congress and Senate
  • Removal of presidents of provinces (governors)
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Furthermore, it was during this period that the Ministry of Labor, Industry and Commerce, and the Ministry of Education and Health were created.

Vargas promised to hold elections as soon as possible, however, he always postponed the decision. As a result, several people who participated with Getúlio Vargas in the movement found themselves dissatisfied with the development of their actions.

The Provisional Government and Lieutenants

After the victory in the 1930 Revolution, Getúlio Vargas included several lieutenants in the main posts of public administration.

The coup promoted by him displeased several colonels of the country's states, so they began to challenge the government.

After dismissing the former state presidents (governors), the lieutenants were directed to occupy these positions and started to be called intendentes. Civilians, in their minority, also occupied this position.

The military supported labor reform, but they were against elections and the calling of a Constituent Assembly.

The oligarchic groups, on the other hand, demanded elections and a constitutional reform. With that, they began to challenge Vargas, seeking to prevent the strengthening of lieutenants in their regions.

1932 Revolution and Provisional Government

The dissatisfaction of state oligarchies led by São Paulo marked the beginning of the 1932 revolution, in Sao Paulo.

The objectives of the conflict were the holding of elections for the office of president of the republic and the formation of a Constituent Assembly.

The Vargas government refuses to meet the demands and the people from São Paulo take up arms. The Brazilian army organizes itself and the revolt is put down.

A year later, the National Constituent Assembly was instituted, which promulgated a new Constitution and elected Vargas as president of Brazil.

Some of the features of 1934 Constitution they were:

  • Four-year presidential term;
  • Election by secret and direct vote;
  • female voting institution;
  • Prohibition of child labor;
  • Establishment of an eight-hour working day;
  • Mandatory weekly rest;
  • Paid vacations.

The creation of the new Constitution marked the end of the first phase of the Vargas Era and inaugurated the second, called the Constitutionalist Government.

Know more:

  • old republic
  • oligarchic republic
  • Coffee Cycle in Brazil - Summary, characteristics and period
  • The Coffee Barons
  • Lieutenantism - Summary, what it was and consequences

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