North Region Folklore

O folklore Brazilian, also known as Brazilian popular culture, is composed of a great cultural diversity, with a mixture of elements europeans, Africans and indigenous.

At North region, there are several of these artistic manifestations, which rely on beliefs, popular festivals, cuisine, dances, among others.

The legends of the region are mainly influenced by the indigenous culture and, like in other parts of the country, they are transmitted from generation to generation, mainly orally.

Learn more about North Region folklore!


  • Northern Region Festivals
  • Northern Region Dances
  • Legends of the North Region
  • North Region Foods

Northern Region Festivals

In the North Region, festivals are strongly influenced by indigenous culture. Among the main festivities, one can mention O Círio de Nazaré, which is a tribute to Our Lady of Nazaré.

There is also the Festival de Parintins, held in the state of Amazons, which consists of a dispute between Garantido and Caprichoso oxen.

North region folklore - Parintins Festival (bois Garantido and Caprichoso)
North Region Folklore – Parintins Festival (Bois Garantido and Caprichoso)

The region also has the reenactment of the Passion of Christ, which takes place in the second largest scenic city in the world, Jerusalem, located in the Amazon.

Among other festivals, we can still mention: Cavalhada, Congo or Congada, Festa do Divino, June parties and Kings' Folia.

Northern Region Dances

In the folklore of the North Region, there are several types of dance, such as the chameleon, in which couples follow the choreographies to the sound of guitar, cavaquinho and fiddle.

North region folklore - Dance of the Chameleon
Northern Region Folklore – Dance of the Chameleon

In addition to this, there is the Dance of the Maçarico, with the sound of accordion, guitar, viola and fiddle. The steps usually vary between slow and light, and the dancers participate in pairs.

Others North Region dances they are: carimbó, siriá dance, marambiré, desfeiteira, jacundá, marujada and lundu do marajoara.

Legends of the North Region

The North Region has folk legends that are typical of the place. These stories are handed down from generation to generation and enrich the territory's culture.

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Check out some legends of the North Region:

Legend of the Dolphin

North Region Folklore - Legend of the Pink Dolphin
Northern Region Folklore – Legend of the Pink Dolphin

THE legend of the boto takes place in the Amazon region. When leaving the river, the boto turns into a handsome boy and, during the parties, takes the opportunity to seduce the girls, who end up getting pregnant. It then reverts to boto form and disappears.

Legend of Cassava

Northern region folklore - Legend of cassava
North Region Folklore – Legend of Cassava

THE manioc legend tells the story of Mani, a little Indian very dear to the tribe, but who one day was found dead. The mother, desolate, buried the girl inside the hollow and cried a lot.

The mother's tears soaked the earth so much that, after a few days, a root was born, which was named as cassava (Joint of Mani and Hollow).

Legend of Vitória-Régia

North region folklore - legend of the lily pad
North Region Folklore – Legend of Vitória-Régia

According to legend, the flower, known as water lily, was an Indian who fell in love with the Moon.

Seeing the shape of the Moon in the river, the girl bent down to kiss it and fell into the water. With that, she drowned and Jaci (moon goddess in Tupi mythology) turned her into a flower.

North Region Foods

The North Region has a very specific cuisine, and there are dishes that are uncommon in certain parts of the country.

Some North Region food they are:

  • tucupi
  • maniçoba
  • tacacá
  • Sun dried meat
  • Jambu
  • Manioc cake
  • Cassava Gum

See too:

  • Northeastern Folklore
  • Central-West Region Folklore
  • Folklore of the Southeast Region
  • Southern Folklore
  • Northern Region Games – discover the region by playing
  • 20 Tongue twisters of folklore

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