Top 10 mistakes made in newsrooms

When it comes to writing, it's worth learning from mistakes, after all, you can only reach excellence after a lot of training and technique. Until arriving at the “perfect” writing (if it actually exists), it is necessary to know the path of the stones and make important learning allies. Only those who tried make mistakes, so make mistakes to get it right!

There are some mistakes that can be fatal for those who are taking entrance exams, exams and especially trying to get a place at the university through the National High School Exam. There are many possibilities of errors, errors that do not go unnoticed by the evaluators, who follow strict correction criteria – provided for in the exam's reference matrix. Among the most common slips are inadequate syntactic constructions and stumbling blocks in argumentation strategies, which can cost a good deal of discount on the final grade of the essay.

See too: Writing in Enem: Step by step

As the Enem essay is worth a thousand points, that is, it represents 20% of the final test grade, it is good to be careful to avoid the errors mentioned above. It is also worth knowing the test's reference matrix, which is composed of five competences according to the Participant's Guide.

Among these skills, there is respect for the cultural norms of the language, that is, it is necessary to know how to use the formal language and respect syntactic, semantic, orthographic aspects, among others that ensure good communication in the written form of the language Portuguese. Among the items that most cause failures among candidates are punctuation, regency and agreement, therefore, it is worth resuming the study of these elements in order not to be penalized in the final grade.

See too:ten writing tips

About punctuation, regency and agreement, respectively: never make the punctuation error separating subject and verb by commas; Back-quote errors tend to appear a lot in student texts, and many could be avoided if students knew that verbs are not preceded by a back-quote; avoid putting the subject after the verb, this is an important hint of agreement. Another issue that also deserves attention are the tenses and verbal modes.

The inappropriate use of these elements can compromise the argument, considered the key item in the essay, and impair the construction of sentences and their meaning. Also remember that colloquial language is not allowed in the writing test of most entrance exams and competitions, therefore, expressions typical of the internet and slang should be avoided, leave them for informal speech contexts, thus respecting the aspect of adequacy linguistics.

See too:The skills required for the Enem Writing test

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Another serious error that can cost the candidate the disqualification is the escape of the proposed topic for the essay. Understanding the essay proposal is the second competence required by Enem. For the candidate to be successful in this skill, it is essential to read the theme and the motivating texts: they are not there by chance, and can be extremely important for the construction of the argument, especially if the candidate does not have much intimacy with the subject matter.

From the reading of the collection, the student must make a cut, looking for a line of reasoning to follow, thus avoiding penalties at the time of correction. A good text should also be supported by statistics and references, data that is usually provided in one of the three motivational texts. Causes and consequences of the proposed situation cannot be left out either.

In the case of writing the Enem, it is important to prepare the intervention proposal for the theme, thus demonstrating the ability to propose ideas, always pointing out viable solutions, that is, it is necessary to be careful not to present a vague solution, which could hardly be applied. To verify the feasibility of intervening agents, you must answer the following questions:

  1. What to do to change the situation?
  2. Who will put the solution into practice?
  3. How to put the solution into practice?

Before starting to write the text, it is necessary to plan, care that will avoid the candidate getting lost when arguing or proposing solutions. The lack of planning can lead to the elaboration of an essay that exceeds the limit of thirty lines, not to mention the risk of your text not meeting one or more skills of the essay test. Another essential issue: as in the body of the newsroom, your intervention proposal must respect human rights, another competence required in the reference matrix.

This proposal must consider the points addressed in the argument, maintaining a direct link with the thesis developed and coherence with the arguments used, as it makes explicit the view of the author of the text. In order to be able to prepare an intervention proposal that meets the expectations of the exam's reference matrix, the candidate must resort to knowledge developed at the school to develop proposals for solidary intervention in reality, respecting human values ​​and always considering diversity sociocultural.

See now ten mistakes that can lower your grade in the writing of Enem and other entrance exams:

  1. Separate subject and verb by commas;
  2. Put a back letter before verbs;
  3. Use internet slang and expressions;
  4. Read the topic of the essay in a hurry;
  5. Run away from the drafting proposal;
  6. Establish a vague point of view;
  7. Do not put causes and consequences of the situation proposed by the test;
  8. Do not separate the arguments that will build the text;
  9. Propose unfeasible solutions that are difficult to implement;
  10. Disrespecting human rights.

Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters

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