Femicide means the persecution and intentional killing of females, classified as a heinous crime in Brazil. Femicide takes place when the causes of murder are proven,...
Protagonist is the character or individual who has the most prominent role in works in which it is possible to build a plot, such as movies, books, plays, etc. It is, then, an element...
The legal nature is a concept that seeks to explain the principle or essence of a legal institute, that is, of a measure, situation or fact that exists in Law. For example: the concepts of...
Important is an adjective that is attributed to something or someone who has merit or recognition for some achievement. In general terms, it defines the quality of what is relevant, which is highly valued for its...
Environmental licensing is the procedure by which the competent body licenses the location, installation, expansion or operation of activities that may, in any way, cause damage environmental...
Procedural assumptions are the requirements that a process must meet to be considered valid and existing. The list of procedural assumptions is extracted from the law and systematically studied by...
Degree of kinship means the relationship that unites people according to their genetic or affinity bonds. It is the connection that exists between people who belong to the same family. The degrees of...
Nepotism is a term used to designate favoring relatives or close friends in to the detriment of more qualified people, generally with regard to the appointment or elevation of positions...
Age of legal majority is the minimum age defined by law for a person to begin to enjoy their rights and be held responsible for their acts. In Brazil, it is reached from the age of 18...
It is an expression commonly used in business and is literally translated to "know why". This term is indispensable in the development of new projects or strategic decision-making within...
Download means transferring (downloading) one or more files from a remote server to a local computer. It is a very common and necessary procedure when the objective is to obtain data made available on...
Upar means to rise, to grow, and is a term of English origin, a variation of the word up, which means above, to rise. Upar is a term widely used in technologies, especially for uploading files...
Deferred with appeal is when a given situation is approved, however filed by an appeal that contradicts that decision. This situation means that the final decision is pending an appeal...
Innominate appeal is the existing appeal against decisions taken in Special Courts. This type of resource is provided for by Law No. 9,099, of September 26, 1995, and by Law No. 10.259,...
Adhesive appeal is an appeal method through which a party that did not intend to appeal a court decision, only appeals because the other party appealed. In technical terms, the adhesive feature does not...