Popular Meanings (137)

Definition of i.e.

i.e. is the abbreviation of id est, a Latin expression meaning "this is" in Portuguese. This abbreviation is very common in English, and there are others that are also well known, such as...

Definition of Habeas data

Habeas data is the process that gives citizens full access to existing information about themselves in databases of public and government institutions. Habeas data is considered an action...

Definition of Vacatio Legis

Vacatio Legis is a legal term, of Latin origin, which means the vacancy of the law, that is, "the Law Vacancy", which is the period between the day a law is published and the day it enters in...

Meaning of RT on Twitter

RT is the abbreviation for “ReTweet” which means to replicate something that has been written. RT on twitter means that the person copied, repeated the text that someone else had already written, but showing the appropriate ones...

meaning of crucial

Crucial is an adjective of two genders, from the Latin “crucialis”, which can express three different meanings. Depending on the context, it can indicate something difficult, positive or even fundamental: 1 - When...

Definition of meticulous

Meticulous is the same as being careful or thorough, an adjective that qualifies something or someone as thoughtful, that is, that they are attentive to details. A meticulous person is one who acts with meticulous care,...

meaning of eloquence

Eloquence is the noun that indicates the quality of an eloquent person, it is the ability to deliver good speeches. It can also be synonymous with oratory and rhetoric. Philosophy addresses eloquence...

meaning of Christ

Christ means redeemer, messiah. From the Latin “Christu”, derived from the Greek “Khristós”, which means “anointed”, which in turn derives from the Hebrew “Mashiach” which means “Messiah”. Christ...

Definition of Effectiveness

Effectiveness is the characteristic, particularity or state of what is effective, that is, what is real, true and legitimate. It can also be the consequence or the effect of what is real; the reality or the...

meaning of linguistics

Linguistics is the science concerned with studying the characteristics of human language. The linguist is responsible for analyzing and investigating all the evolution and developments of different languages, well...

meaning of funk

Funk is a musical genre with a strong rhythm that encourages dancing. Funk originated in the United States in the 60s, and was created through a mixture of other African-American musical genres, such as...

Definition of Free Trade Area

Free trade zone is a regional economic bloc formed by several countries, with the purpose of reducing or eliminating customs duties between member countries. The purpose of the free area...

Meaning of Interface

Interface is the name given to the way in which “communication” takes place between two distinct parties that cannot connect directly. A software or operating system, for example, can be controlled...

meaning of wholesome

Salutar is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language and is related to health, something useful and favorable to preserve health and life. Salutar is a word from the Latin salutaris,...

Objection meaning

Objection means contestation, opposition, reply, obstacle. It is what is opposed, which is on the opposite side. Objection is a feminine noun. From the Latin “objectione”. Is it the act or...

Latest Meanings (286)

Definition of UnknownUnknown is an adjective in English that means unknown. The word unknown is u...

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Latest Meanings (287)

meaning of rematchRematch is a word of French origin that means revenge. This word can also mean ...

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Latest Meanings (285)

meaning of pantingPanting is the state of the person who is panting, that is, the person whose br...

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