Popular Meanings (134)

meaning of poor

Poor guy is a masculine adjective that classifies a miserable, disgraced, unhappy individual. A person who is labeled a poor person is someone who has suffered or suffered something terrible in their life and for...

Definition of Best Friend

Best friend is a term commonly used among women to designate a friend with whom one has more trust and special affection. Usually, the best friend is the one you have a...

meaning of in favor

In favor is an expression used in the sense of being or being in favor of something or something, as well as being aware of its defense. Example: “Students fight for human rights”. Many people...

meaning of natural law

Jusnaturalism is the Natural Law, that is, all the principles, norms and rights that have as a universal and immutable idea of ​​justice and independent of human will. According to the Theory of...

meaning of obedience

Obedience is a noun that defines the action of those who obey, who are docile or submissive. A person who follows, obeys, or gives in to someone else's wishes or orders. This expression is used for...

Meaning of Mercantilism

Mercantilism is known as a set of economic ideas and practices carried out by European absolutist states during the Modern Age, after the period of Feudalism. Mercantilism is...

Definition of Contractualism

Contractualism is a set of philosophical currents that try to explain the origin and importance of the construction of societies and social orders for human beings. Generally speaking, the social contract...

Definition of distance education

EaD is the acronym for Distance Education. It is a form of teaching/learning mediated by technologies that allow the teacher and student to be in different physical environments. EaD enables the...

meaning of storytelling

Storytelling is an English word, which is related to a narrative and means the ability to tell relevant stories. In English the expression "tell a story" means "to tell a story"...

Thermal energy

Thermal energy is a form of energy that is related to high temperatures and heat. Thermal energy is formed as a consequence of the kinetic energy (motion) of molecules and...

meaning of east

East is one of the points of orientation by the Sun, it is the side of the horizon where the Sun appears in the morning and that indicates the east or east (which means sunrise). East, in political connotation, is the...

Definition of Hydrography

Hydrography is one of the branches of physical geography that studies the Earth's surface waters, including rivers, oceans, lakes, seas, glaciers, and so on. In almost every country in the world there are services...

meaning of shamanism

Shamanism is a set of ancestral beliefs that encompasses magical practices and evocations to establish contact with the spirit world. Shamanism is a religious perception that gives the shaman, the...

Definition of Inference

Illation means deduction, supposition, inference. It is the act of reaching a final conclusion about certain facts or principles. It is to formulate a hypothesis through repeated reasoning. Illation,...

Definition of Labor Gymnastics

Gymnastics at work is a type of physical activity aimed at workers to be practiced in the workplace. The practice of these exercises is very beneficial for...

Latest Meanings (4)

Scientific Article: what it is and definition of a scientific articleScientific article is an aca...

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Latest Meanings (10)

Meaning of InferenceInference is a deduction based on information or reasoning that uses availabl...

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Latest Meanings (2)

Ozone layerOzone layer or ozonesphere is a layer formed by the ozone gas (O3) around planet Earth...

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