How to assemble a study schedule

You will take tests of college entrance exams, And either or public tenders? And now, how to organize your study time? Is it necessary to give up other activities? How many hours will it take to get the desired approval?

Education experts recommend: for starters, assemble one study schedule. Whether in a notebook, cell phone or computer, making a plan helps you visualize and divide your time and, therefore, be more organized and effective in your studies.

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According to João Alegria, manager of the Futura channel and doctor in Education from PUC-RJ, the student's first reaction, when there is a test, is that they will not be able to study everything they need to and will not have time to do anything else. However, when setting up the study plan, he gains calm and tranquility, because you realize that if you have the appointment needed to maintain it, will come to achieve your goal.

Creating a study schedule is important because it allows you to correctly scale the effort you have will strive to achieve what you are looking for from the first to the last day of studies.” (João Happiness)

With planning and study method, it is possible to create a routine, which, in the opinion of the pedagogical coordinator of the Mopi School in Rio de Janeiro, Luiz Rafael Silva, allows the student to have a real view of your day, of your free time and also of your limits.

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How to set up the study schedule?

Experts warn that setting up a study schedule is simple and can be done, initially, in a note sheet, notebook or even in a spreadsheet program. The idea is to start by putting what will be studied in the next few hours, then in the following weeks and, finally, in the months to come.

To be able to create your plan, you must determine the amount of time for studies and to carry out other activities, such as personal hygiene, house maintenance, transport, food, rest, physical activity, among others.

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The director of the Oficina do Estudante Course and College, from Campinas (SP), Marcelo Pavani, believes that the study schedule should be organized according to the self knowledge, From strengths and weaknesses of the student. For the professional, it is necessary to think of the schedule as a game of blocks, as this makes it visually easy to work with it.

There is no recipe for creating a study schedule. It's much more of a Socratic work, of 'knowing yourself', to understand what I need more, what I need less, and to know how much time I have available”, analyzes Pavani.

At this stage of time organization, a Internet can be quite an ally. You, for example, can dump information into mobile apps and have a very clean and objective graphical representation for the tasks you need to do in order to reach your goal.

Education professionals recommend websites and apps, such as Trello, mondayand Easy Study. It's worth testing each one of them and deciding which one best suits your demands.

See too: What is the best time to study?

how to divide time

Pedagogical coordinator Luiz Rafael Silva, from Mopi School, in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), believes that, in order to set up a study schedule, four moments should be taken into account:

  • 1º: 60% study load and 40% creative leisure (quality rest).

  • 2º: 70% study load and 30% creative leisure.

  • 3º: the same charge as the 2nd moment.

  • 4º: gradually reduce the study load to 50% and the creative idleness to 50%, two weeks before the desired exam.

  • Fundamental: save a day of your weekend to rest and have fun.

Step by step

Master in Education and coordinator of Unità Faculdade, in Campinas (SP), Carolina Defilippi shows you a step-by-step way to plan your study schedule:

  1. Determine how much time you have to study and be strict with yourself in respecting that study time.

  2. Establish the syllabus that needs to be studied. Separate which disciplines and which are the most important points of these disciplines.

  3. Do a self-assessment to find out your weaknesses and strengths in relation to what needs to be studied.

  4. Divide the time you have between the subjects to be studied, taking into account the importance of each subject (or the weight it has on the test) and its difficulties.

Read too: Combining work and studies: study routine for those who work

Study schedule template

 Study schedule template
Model of study schedule by director Marcelo Pavani.

And the rest?

Even in this intense stage of studies, it is necessary for the student to set aside moments to relax. “The rest and also the creative leisure are fundamental for the student to arrive healthy and willing to exam days. Remember that when the body asks for a rest, you must listen”, reinforces coordinator Luiz Rafael Silva.

Study schedule
Model of study schedule, by coordinator Luiz Rafael Silva, reserves time for rest.

Carolina Defilippi also highlights the importance of sleep. "Sleep is not just a need for mental and physical rest: during sleep, several processes occur metabolic, which, if altered, can affect the balance of the entire organism in short, medium and even long deadline. Studies prove that those who sleep less than necessary have much less ability to concentrate.”

So, did you fulfill the hours of study you need? Have fun, watch movies or go out with friends. This is Dr. João Alegria's recommendation.

Read too: Importance of sleep for studies

"The secret is to keep the things that make you happy, to have contact with the people you care about, because this will keep you relaxed and give you the energy you need to study", analyzes the professional.

Finally, Alegria advises share your study schedule with family, friends and girlfriend (o), as this generates knowledge of what you are doing and avoids problems with schedules and appointments, as everyone will know that you need to fulfill your plan to reach your goal.

By Silvia Tancredi

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