Meaning of Scientific Method (What it is, Concept and Definition)

scientific method it's the set of basic standards that must be followed for the production of knowledge that has the rigor of science, that is, it is a method used to research and proof of a certain content.

The scientific method is based on systematic observation of facts, followed by carrying out experiments, logical deductions and scientific proof of the results obtained. For many authors, the scientific method is the logic applied to science.

The scientific method is a systematic work, in the search for answers to the questions studied, it is the path that must be followed to lead to the formulation of a scientific theory. It is careful work, following a systematic path.

The scientific method is the researcher's tool, which at the end of his research process, explains and predicts a set of events arising from the application of his thesis. A scientific article is the result of a study carried out and proven through the scientific method.

The scientific method is a way to prove the veracity of some theses discredited by skepticism. In contrast to the scientific method is the empirical method, which is based solely on experience, without any scientific process.

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