Meaning of Education (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Education is the act of educating, instructing, it is politeness, disciplining.

In its broadest sense, education means the means in which the habits, customs and values ​​of a community are transferred from one generation to the next. Education is formed through witnessed situations and experiences lived by each individual throughout their lives.

The concept of education encompasses the level of courtesy, politeness and civility shown by an individual and their ability to socialize.

According to the theoretical philosopher in the field of pedagogy René Hubert, education is a set of actions and influences voluntarily exerted by one human being on another, usually from an adult to a young person. These actions aim to achieve a particular purpose in the individual so that he can play some role in the social, economic, cultural and political contexts of a society.

In the technical sense, education is the ongoing process of developing the physical, intellectual and moral faculties of human beings, in order to better integrate into society or their own group.

Education (from Latin educations) in the formal sense is the entire continuous process of formation and teaching learning that is part of the curriculum of official educational establishments, whether public or private.

In Brazil, according to the Law of Directives and Bases, Education is divided into two levels, basic education and higher education. Basic education comprises Kindergarten, Elementary School and High School. National education refers to the group of bodies that manage public education and supervise private education.

In the educational process in educational establishments, knowledge and skills are transferred to children, young people and adults, always with the aim of developing the students' reasoning, teach them to think about different problems, assist in intellectual growth and in the formation of citizens capable of generating positive changes in society.

Education is not limited only to moral and intellectual norms, but it can also be related to the physical aspect, as is the case of the PE.

environmental education

The concept of environmental education it implies awareness and learning about the environment. Topics such as recycling and renewable energies are addressed, with the aim of creating attitudes that contribute to reducing the environmental impact.

Law 9795 of 1999 classifies environmental education as "the processes through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences aimed at the conservation of the environment, a good for common use by the people, essential to the healthy quality of life and its sustainability."

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