Latest Meanings (6)


A country is a socially, politically and geographically delimited territory, inhabited by a population with a common culture. Generally, country is a term used synonymously with nation or homeland...

What is the Democratic Rule of Law

The Democratic Rule of Law is a type of State guided by laws and based on the will of the people. In order to be “of Law”, the State must be the “empire of laws” - that is, the laws must be valid for...

Definition of Inflation

Inflation is a term used in the field of economics that represents a continuous and generalized increase in the prices of goods and services in an economic system. It is usually represented by a...

General characteristics of mammals

Mammals is the name given to a class of animals, also called mammalia. They can be terrestrial (like the lion, elephant and monkey) or aquatic (like the whale, dolphin and polar bear). Meet the...

Definition of Dynamics

Dynamics is a term related to movement and forces. It can be a concept from the field of physics, music or psychology, in the case of group dynamics. In the field of physics, dynamics is the science that...

Meaning of the Moon Phases

The phases of the Moon are the result of the movements of the Moon and Earth around the Sun. Depending on the position of these stars, we see different portions of the illuminated Moon. These movements happen in cycles that are...

Meaning of Satellite

Satellite is a body that accompanies or revolves around another, mainly observed in the field of astronomy, whether artificial or natural. From the standpoint of astronomy, a satellite would be all that...

Parts of the human body

The human body has many parts. Basically, it is divided into head, trunk and limbs. The head is the upper part, and the limbs (upper and lower) are connected to the head through the...

What is Hot Tub?

Ofuro is a hot bath, traditional in Japan, which is characterized by soaking in a wooden bathtub for this purpose (also called furô). It's a very old custom that goes back to the...

Workflow: what is it

The concept of workflow is a sequence of steps necessary to automate processes, according to with a set of defined rules, allowing these to be transmitted from a person for...

What is Petroleum?

Petroleum is a natural fuel, originating from decomposition processes over thousands of years. As it originates from a long process, it is also called fossil fuel. It is found in deposits...

What is Ethanol?

Ethanol is an alcohol of plant origin used as fuel for vehicles, an alternative and renewable energy source. Ethanol, alcohol or ethyl alcohol refers to the same substance. Ethanol is...

Gothic architecture

Gothic architecture extends from the 12th to the 15th century and was one of the architectural styles of the medieval era together with the Romanesque. The term Gothic was initially only linked to architecture,...

Definition of Technology

Technology is a product of science and engineering that involves a set of tools, methods and techniques aimed at solving problems. It is a practical application of scientific knowledge...

Definition of Corruption

Corruption is the effect or act of corrupting someone or something, for the purpose of gaining an advantage over others by means considered illegal or unlawful. Etymologically, the term "corruption"...

Popular Meanings (223)

Definition of STDSTD stands for "Sexually Transmitted Disease". Sexually Transmitted Diseases are...

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Latest Meanings (221)

meaning of infiniteInfinito is a masculine adjective or noun in the Portuguese language, used to ...

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Latest Meanings (223)

Meaning of ApproachApproach is the term used to characterize a type of approach, whether between ...

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