Contemporary is an adjective that refers to what is from the same time, who lived at the same time. Contemporary designates who or what shares or shared the same time, the same period. For example:...
Integrity is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin integritate which means the quality or state of what is whole or complete. It is synonymous with honesty, uprightness, impartiality. In sense...
The continental shelf is an expression of the scope of geology, which refers to the edge of the continents that begins on the coastline and extends to the sea. The extension of the continental shelf will...
Libertino is an adjective that qualifies that individual free from any moral sense. It is the person who is unruly in his conduct, he is the one who has a wanton, licentious, depraved behavior. Libertine,...
Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning “dwelling” or “God's presence”. For theologians, the translation that comes closest to this word is “the glory of God is manifested”. The word...
Nemesis is a masculine noun of Greek origin that indicates justified revenge or indignation. It is also used as a synonym for enemy. Nemesis can also be used to represent something that...
Trilogy means a literary, or musical, or scientific work divided into three parts, and comes from the Greek. This term has been widely used in cinema, with great box office success. Enter the Trilogy of...
Straight is a radical of Greek origin. It is a compositional term that encapsulates the idea of another, different. Every word composed by the radical "hetero" refers to the concept of unequal, not similar, which...
Idiot means fool, goofy. From the Greek "idiots" which means "lay person, without professional skills", as opposed to those who developed some specialized work. In the original sense,...
A star is a star that has its own light and heat and maintains practically the same relative positions in the celestial sphere. It has a sparkling shine, which distinguishes them from the planets. It's a sphere of...
Metamorphosis means change, it is the transformation of one being into another. One way in another. In the figurative sense, metamorphosis is the considerable change that takes place in the character, state or appearance of...
Economic resources are the material or immaterial means used by the population in the production of goods and services to satisfy their needs. The word resource comes from the Latin recursus and...
Reasoning is a masculine noun that means the act or way of thinking or reasoning. It is synonymous with argument, thought or judgment. Originating from the Latin term ratiocinatio, a reasoning also...
Making a kitty is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language (from Brazil) and means "to join money with the help of several people with the intention of achieving a certain goal or purchase...
Substrate is a masculine noun, which in philosophy is what constitutes the essential part of being, regardless of its qualities. By extension, substrate is the base, the foundation, the essence. É...