Mineral salts. Importance of mineral salts in food

You mineral salts they are inorganic substances that need to be consumed by living beings for the organism to function properly. The lack of these nutrients can cause serious damage to the body, even death. You mineral salts they can be found in three forms in living organisms: dissolved in the body's water in the form of ions; in the form of crystals (such as calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate found in bones); or associated with organic molecules (such as iron in the hemoglobin molecule, magnesium in chlorophyll and cobalt in vitamin B12).

Some mineral salts, such as calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, sodium, chlorine and magnesium, are needed by our body in relatively high amounts (greater than 100mg/day) and for this reason they are called mineral macronutrients or macroelements. already others mineral salts, like iron and zinc, they are called mineral micronutrients, or microelements, because they are needed by the body in relatively low amounts.

Below is a list of all the mineral salts

important for our organism with their respective functions and in which foods they can be found.

Calcium: important constituent of bones and teeth. It acts on blood clotting, muscle contraction and nerve function. Found in dairy and green vegetables.

Chlorine: found in extracellular fluid, acts with sodium and helps balance body fluids and maintain pH. It is one of the components of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It can be found in table salt.

Cobalt: vitamin B constituent12 participates in the production of red blood cells. This mineral can be found in meat and dairy products.

Copper: participates in the production of hemoglobin, in the formation of melanin (pigment that gives color to the skin), and makes up many enzymes for cellular respiration. It is mainly found in liver, meat, seafood, beans, whole wheat and eggs.

Chrome: important for energy metabolism. It can be found in meats, whole grains and brewer's yeast.

Sulfur: it participates in the structure of many proteins and is essential for maintaining normal metabolic activity. This mineral can be found in meat and vegetables.

Iron: Iron is important for the body because it is one of the components of hemoglobin, myoglobin and respiratory enzymes, being of fundamental importance for cellular respiration. It can be found in liver, meat, egg yolks, vegetables and green vegetables.

Fluorine: this mineral makes up bones and teeth. It can be found in fluorinated water.

Phosphor: important constituent of bones and teeth, component of DNA and RNA, and essential for the transfer of energy within cells. Mainly found in milk and dairy products, meats and cereals.

Iodine: constitutes the thyroid hormones. Found in seafood, iodized table salt and dairy products.

Magnesium: constituent of many coenzymes and essential for the normal functioning of nerves and muscles. This mineral can be found in whole grains, green vegetables, meats, eggs, beans, soy and bananas.

Manganese: helps in regulating various chemical reactions. It can be found in cereals, green vegetables, egg yolks and fruits.

Potassium: An important ion found inside cells, acts with sodium in the body's fluid balance and influences muscle contraction and nerve activity. It can be found in meat, milk, fruits, vegetables, beans and cereals.

Selenium: when combined with the vitamin, it prevents anemia and sterility. It is found in meat, shellfish, liver and pulses.

Sodium: this mineral helps balance the body's fluids and is essential for conducting the nerve impulse. It can be found in table salt.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/sais-minerais.htm

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