Understand more about the PL that aims to release homeschooling in Brazil

Many parents wonder about the possibility of teaching children without having to leave home. This is a question that has been asked by many families in Brazil for a long time. However, since 2018, the theme “homeschooling” has received a lot of attention. This is because a bill was approved that could allow the practice of this type of methodology in Brazil. Therefore, check out this article for more details on how homeschooling would work in the country.

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Bill on homeschooling was approved in the Chamber of Deputies 

Homeschooling would be a way to ensure that children and adolescents are educated at home, either by their parents or through private lessons. This theme became the target of special attention when the Chamber of Deputies approved the wording of a bill that will allow parents to educate their children at home. The proposal modifies the norms of the

Education Guidelines and Bases Law (LDB).

In 2018, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided that homeschooling would not be allowed in the country. The lack of regulations that ensure the quality of education provided “at home” was the reason for the ban. However, the theme continues to gain popularity across the country.

According to specialists, the attendance of students in the classroom is healthy and beneficial. This is because it ensures that social contact is established and allows people to interact with the genuine diversity of society. This feeling of belonging contributes to a person's development.

Progress of the homeschooling project

Although the text that allows parents to educate their children at home has already been approved by the House, it still needs to be put to a vote in the Senate and receive the president's approval.

It is important to note that parents who want to homeschool their children must adhere to certain criteria. You will need to pass assessments that measure learning and a variety of other criteria based on changing standards.

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