Income Tax: PIS/Pasep and FGTS need to be declared?

The Individual Income Tax began on March 15th and will extend until May 31st. Until the last day, taxpayers need to pay attention to the income information they need to declare to the Federal Revenue. This year, too, the question arises whether the FGTS (Employment Time Guarantee Fund) and PIS/Pasep must be declared.

According to Federal Revenue rules, taxpayers with annual income from R$ 28,559.70 referring to the base year 2022, including salary, benefits and other contributions to monthly income, must declare all earnings.

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The Guarantee Fund is a right reserved for workers with a formal contract, but it is not in all situations that the contribution amount can be withdrawn. Regardless of which modality the taxpayer had access to, the FGTS must be included in the Income Tax as “Exempt and Non-Taxable Income”.

With PIS/Pasep, the situation is similar and will depend on the amount the taxpayer received in the base year. The worker who was active with a formal contract for 30 days in the previous year has access to the value. In the same way as the FGTS, the PIS/Pasep must be declared in the “Exempt and non-taxable income” field.

How to declare in the Income Tax?


To declare the FGTS in the Income Tax:

  • Go to the “Exempt and non-taxable income” tab;
  • Click on “New”;
  • When opening the new tab, enter code 04, referring to the field "Indemnity for termination of contract work, including as a POS, for Birthday Withdrawal, and for work accident and Guarantee";
  • In the paying source field, inform the CNPJ of the Caixa Econômica Federal (00.360.305/0001-04);
  • Inform the amount received in the FGTS referring to the base year;
  • Complete the action by clicking “Ok”.


To declare the PIS/Pasep in the Income Tax:

  • Go to the “Exempt and non-taxable income” tab;
  • Click on “New”;
  • When opening the new tab, enter code 26, referring to “Others”;
  • In the field of the paying source, inform the CNPJ of the Worker's Support Fund (07.526.3983/0001-43);
  • Inform the amount received from PIS/Pasep;
  • Complete the action by clicking “Ok”.

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