Most common vicious pleonasms in the Portuguese language

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Although common in the daily lives of speakers, language vices are considered grammatical errors. These deviations happen when words and expressions escape the rules of the cultured norm or standard of the language. Among the most common addictions is the pleonasm, which usually occurs in an attempt to express ourselves better. But do you know what he is?

Of Greek origin, polys - pleon - pleonasein (much), pleonasm means redundancy. This language addiction happens when redundant words are used without function, since the meaning of the message has already been reached before with the presentation of other words.

Discover the most common vicious pleonasms in the Portuguese language:

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climb up exclusive monopoly go back
down down win free bigoted prejudice
go out face up indicative symptoms
get inside Crowd true fact
blind of eyes dawn the day committed suicide
shout out loud new creation eat with the mouth
human person repeat again deaf of ear
blood hemorrhage plan ahead countries of the world
widow of the deceased this is a real fact hat on head
Final touch in my personal opinion link
absolutely sure crazy of the head abuse too much
along with roof leak minute details
in two equal halves heart attack attend in person
years ago of your free choice
another alternative attach together

Vicious pleonasms, also known as perisology or tautology, are, in most cases, not noticed by the speakers, since many of the expressions listed above are commonplace in orality. However, these are forms that we should avoid, since they are considered grammatical deviations.

by Mariana Pacheco
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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