Different types of sounds are heard daily. A musical show, traffic, nightclub, school or college, at home, at work, in a doctor's office, in the supermarket, on the train or bus. In practically all environments that one frequents, it is almost impossible to rest your ears a little. Loud music, horns, shouting, simultaneous conversation from colleagues, pleasant music and advertised promotions are some examples of everyday life.
The sounds represent varied manifestations and it is through them that part of the culture is passed from generation to generation. The songs, like other sounds, cause emotions of different intensities in their listeners, which may or may not be beneficial. They can induce altered states of consciousness such as calming the mental state through slow music, while faster rhythms tend to generate action initiative.
Excessive sounds and volume can cause health damage ranging from insomnia and stress to high blood pressure and stroke. Noises above 55 decibels are already considered harmful to the body. They make the muscles tense, the intestine becomes sluggish, the heart speeds up, the stomach fills with gastric juice, there are hormonal changes, the person becomes more aggressive and with concentration problems, the genitals receive less blood, which can cause a drop in sexual desire and erection difficulties, in addition to the common pain of head. Thus, the body lives agitated, in a state of alert, in which it is common for people to experience difficulties to disconnect and rest deeply after an ordinary day.
To avoid these problems it is very important to learn to relax, meditate, enjoy silence and control your breathing, avoid places where the noise is excessive. Physical activity and healthy eating also contribute to maintaining good health.
By Giorgia Lay-Ang
Graduated in Biology
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
LAY-ANG, Georgia. "Sounds in Health"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/os-sons-na-saude.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.