Do you have money to receive? Learn how to find out with the CPF

Having access to a completely unexpected amount of money is a great surprise. One desired by the vast majority of people. Did you know that the possibility of consulting this possibility is in your hands? You can use your Physical Person Registration (CPF) for this. This system belongs to central bank and gathers various data from various financial institutions. Learn now how to check if you have money standing somewhere.

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How to check by CPF if I have money to receive?

Here are some important information for you to know if you have any financial resources available:

According to the instructions made available by the Federal Government, Brazil has about R$ 4 billion to distribute to people who have some money forgotten in their accounts. The way to check if you, for example, really have some amount to receive is very simple: just use the CPF.

Although the consultation is available to everyone, it is necessary to ask the entity for authorization to carry it out. The first phase already has a date set, including. The second, no. The system was named “Forgotten Values”.

The resources that will be distributed will come from closed consortia, shares of capital from the apportionment of net surpluses or simply from undue charges in the form of tariffs and installments. As the Central Bank pointed out, the most common cases concern forgotten money left in accounts that have already been closed.

In other words, when a person had an account at some bank, he stopped moving it, but left some money there and forgot about it. Nothing has yet been announced regarding the dates for the consultations.

The forecast is that they will start in the first months of 2023.

When the days are already available, Brazilians will be able to check it out by following these steps:

  • Go to the official website;
  • Put your CPF number and required credentials.

People who have not yet registered on the site need to create access first, as only then will they be able to obtain information through the Central Bank System.

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