Importance of hydration during studies

THE Hydration is essential for the proper functioning of our body, however, in many moments of our life, we simply forget about this important nutrient, a Water.

In schools and even during studies at home, we are so focused on our activities that we spend hours without drinking water. This act can be harmful to our health and also to our learning. Therefore, it is important that we adopt measures to ensure adequate water intake during our daily lives.

Read too: Loss of water by the body - means of occurrence

The importance of hydration when studying

Whether at school or at home, we shouldn't neglect hydration. Drinking water in the proper amount is essential for the proper functioning of the body, since it plays important roles, such as:

  • Participation in a series of chemical reactions on body;

  • Composition of the Spittle and of tears;

  • Lubrication of joints;

  • Temperature regulation;

  • Transport of substances through the body;

  • Good functioning of kidneys;

  • Improvement in the action of the digestive system.

Drinking water helps improve cognitive performance.
Drinking water helps improve cognitive performance.

In addition to these important functions performed by water in our body, it also it is related to an improvement in the performance of intellectual activities.

A study in Great Britain looked at 447 psychology students who were taking a test. He found that those who brought water for the tests did better than those who did not. The researchers involved in this study claim that this result can be explained, for example, by the fact that water reduce anxiety, which favored a better performance of the test.

In addition to this work, other studies suggest that dehydration can negatively affect cognitive performance and that its supplementation increases this performance. Therefore, the ideal is that we keep ourselves hydrated during classes, as well as in our study times and when taking tests, to obtain better results with regard to concentration and understanding of the studied content.

What can I do so I don't forget to drink water?

Remembering to drink water during the day is not an easy task when we are focused on our activities. It is important, however, that taking it is a common habit and that you do it often. For this, some tips can be followed:

Taking a bottle of water to school helps to improve the consumption of this substance.
Taking a bottle of water to school helps to improve the consumption of this substance.
  • Take a small bottle of water to school. As we know, during classes, we cannot go away often, so the solution to ensure hydration is always to have a small bottle of water close by.

  • Keep the bottle or glass of water close to you while studying at home. This measure reminds you to drink water and stay hydrated during study time.

  • Use technology to your advantage. Today there are several applications that, from time to time, remind you to drink water, thus ensuring efficient hydration. If you don't want to use the app, just set your alarm clock so you remember to hydrate yourself.

How do I know if my body is dehydrated?

Lack of water can lead our body to dehydration, so it is essential that we be careful with the amount of water we ingest every day. Lack of water can cause thirst and dry mouth, relatively common symptoms in this situation. In addition, we can see that the amount of water our body is receiving is not adequate by looking at the color of our urine. When our urine is dark yellow, it's a sign that we should drink more water.

It is noteworthy that, in more severe cases of dehydration, our body can present other symptoms, such as dizziness, pressure drop, headaches, sunken eyes, weakness, reduced skin elasticity etc.

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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