New Rubik's Cube Milestone: World Record Drops to Three Seconds

Recently, a genius set a new world record by solving a Rubik's Cube in approximately three seconds. We can call a genius who can unravel this riddle!

These challenging puzzles can be bewildering, especially when you don't know the rotations. necessary to solve them - we can even say that very few people manage to deal with the object.

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Around the world, there is a fast-paced competition between people looking to complete the cube as quickly as possible.

The skill and dexterity required to achieve such impressive times demonstrate just how incredible human potential is when it comes to solving these iconic puzzles.

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The Rubik's Cube competition has a new record!

Max Park is a renowned Rubik's Cube speedsolver who has participated in several competitions around the world.

In September 2022, he was the world record holder for solving five 3x3x3 cubes, with an average of 4.86 seconds, reaching second place in the competition.

His impressive skill and speed in solving these complex puzzles are widely recognized and admired by the speedcuber community.

Max Park, even though he came second in a previous tournament, showcased his exceptional Rubik's Cube skill by finishing a single 3x3x3 cube in a staggering 3.63 seconds.

This achievement placed him just behind former world record holder Yusheng Du, who had solved the cube in 3.47 seconds.

However, Park demonstrated his determination by setting an even faster time on June 12th, when he solved a cube in a whopping 3.13 seconds. These feats underscore his dexterity and talent in the world of speedcubing.

After preparing and anxiously awaiting the start of time, he demonstrated his exceptional skill on the Rubik's Cube. Once he started, Park was extremely fast and efficient, leaving everyone in awe. Upon completing the resolution, he cheered enthusiastically, clapping his hands and shouting “Yes!” as he walked in triumph.

His achievement is even more impressive considering the previous record, set by Yusheng Du in 2018, was 3.47 seconds.

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