Free Government Course: Check Out Opportunities in 2021

With the increasing level of training currently required by the labor market, the working population needs to be constantly updating and learning new things. Domains such as digital literacy and even introduction to programming could open countless doors in 2021.

In relation to new technologies, such as courses on tables and formulas in Excel, Powerpoint presentations or how to make summaries in Word, the search for free classes, tutorials and courses in the technology area grew much.

Within the academic setting, it is no different. Students and researchers use different platforms to clarify their doubts, such as what is monograph and TCC or other formats of academic papers and projects.

Taking into account that there may be some doubts about the subject, today we will take a look at some topics, such as:

  • free government courses;
  • search sites;
  • public agencies that offer courses;
  • how to sign up.

Bodies and institutions that offer courses

When looking for free courses, the offer is usually carried out by the federal government through various institutions, agencies and partnerships.

A great example of free distance training courses offered by the government are undergraduate and graduate degrees at the most diverse state or federal universities across Brazil.

In this academic reality, there are numerous extracurricular courses. Usually students look for video classes and lectures on ABNT rules and standardization. The surveys include questions such as “what is a monograph”, “what is the line spacing to use in an academic project”, among others.

Despite all this search, with the Brazil's academic situation at this time of pandemic and with remote learning, many people have chosen to wait for this moment to pass and enter a higher education course after the normalization of activities in the country. With that in mind, the main focus of the article is free training courses and professional updating.

Generally, when searching for professional qualification courses online, people are limited to searching in a few places and for a small variety of courses, that is, what often happens is just looking if the course you thought is on the list of those available by Senac, by example.

However, several distance and on-site courses are offered by the most varied agencies with government support. It is important to consult these lists for the variety of opportunities and areas they present. Below we list some institutions that offer free courses by the government:

  1. Pronatec
  2. Government Virtual School
  3. Bradesco Foundation
  4. Getúlio Vargas College

Pronatec: link with other bodies and institutions

The National Program for Access to Technical Education and Employment, or simply Pronatec, was established in 2011 by the Ministry of Education and Culture, as a form of access to education for students and workers who wish to qualify professionally.

Pronatec is known for its courses having a high level of applicability and introduction to the job market. Therefore, the modalities offered by the program have a complete focus on the job market and professional qualification, which attracts many people every year.

It is also essential to emphasize that all Pronatec courses are completely free or have a scholarship. In addition, they have links with several technical schools and National Learning Services, such as Senai, Senac and Senat.

For the year 2021, some of the courses that Pronatec offers initially and continuously are:

  • Administrative assistant
  • Barber
  • Hair stylist
  • Locksmith
  • Costume designer
  • Naval engineer
  • Waiter
  • school inspector
  • Gardener

There are also several technical courses offered by the Pronatec platform this year. The technicians have some complementary practical activities in addition to classes, aiming at applicability and entry into the job market. To sign up, just go to the website:

Government Virtual School - EV.G

The Federal Government's Virtual School is currently linked to Enap, or National School of Public Administration. The agency is considered a public service and offers several free distance courses that focus on Public Administration.

The courses offered by the Federal Government's Virtual School are formulated and distributed by several educational and teaching institutions.

To enroll in any of the courses offered by the Virtual School, it is necessary to register on the website your social security number and your e-mail address. After these steps, you will receive an email confirming your registration on the site.

Of the courses offered by the Federal Government Virtual School platform for the year 2021, we can mention the following:

  • Audit and Control for State-Owned Companies
  • Correctional Activity
  • Social and Institutional Control of Public Expenditures
  • Tax Citizenship
  • Information and Documentation Management

As can be seen, the available modalities are more directed to the Public Administration area. However, anyone can register and perform any of these and several others available on the site.

Courses provided by Fundação Bradesco

Another institution that offers free online courses of various types on its online platform is Bradesco, through Fundação Bradesco.

Fundação Bradesco's Virtual School was created a long time ago, in 2001. Its objective is to offer courses in various areas, such as finance, technology and education.

Fundação Bradesco offers so-called free courses. According to the legislation, open courses are those that do not require authorization from the Ministry of Education and Culture to be taught, nor do they require specific laws for their realization.

As a result, online courses are offered quickly and dynamically by Fundação Bradesco's Virtual School.

Still, the range of courses offered by the Foundation is extensive:

  • Business Strategy
  • Introduction to Administration
  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Balance Sheet Analysis
  • Business accounting
  • Financial math

In addition, there is a certification for each module. On the home page of the Virtual School website, there is an area called Certificate Validation. Just access this tab and follow the steps established to be able to generate a certificate.

To guarantee a place at Fundação Bradesco's Virtual School, simply access the website and register with CPF, e-mail and some other data. After completing this registration, you are already qualified to enroll in the various courses offered.

Getúlio Vargas Foundation - FGV

FGV, as many know, is a private university located in the city of São Paulo. However, what most people don't know is that the Foundation itself offers numerous free training and professional qualification courses online. These courses are offered through its partnership with an institution called Open Education Global.

To consult the courses currently available, it is simple to access the website

To consult the courses available at the moment, it is simple, just visit the website

Currently, in 2021, the site indicates that there are 124 courses available in 10 different areas of interest, such as Education and Humanities, and Economics and Finance. The courses offered by the website are made available in online classes previously recorded, with varying duration and period of time.

Some of the courses currently available on the platform are:

  • How to make investments (1)
  • How to make investments (2)
  • How to Consciously Spend
  • How to Plan Retirement
  • Design Thinking Applied to Health
  • Rights and Duties of Citizens in Times of COVID-19

In addition to these, there are many other courses available on the platform. After all, there are more than 100 different formations and some of them last 12 hours. The content is very complete and covers several areas, so it is recommended for anyone who wants to learn a little more and improve their curriculum.


As we see on a daily basis, the covid-19 pandemic has drastically affected various sectors of society in 2020 and 2021 and, consequently, the country's economy.

A great way to catch up and not be left behind at a time when the market is so unstable and competition is the realization of free courses, which can offer knowledge and experience in very many different.

What's more, if you are already an undergraduate student, regardless of area, and have questions such as “what is a monograph” or “how to use ABNT rules" correctly, there are several classes, lectures and free online courses that can save you from the squeeze on these hours.

So, check out the sites throughout the article, see if they appeal to you, if you fit in as a target audience, and don't waste time: sign up now in this year of 2021!

Source: Brazil School -

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