See how technology and stress can affect our memory

Forgetting the car key and even forgetting the face of someone we see on the street: these are examples of moments that are part of our routine when our memory ends up failing. In this case, this tends to be more and more recurrent and to appear earlier and earlier in people's lives. Check out what factors influence this and how to avoid it.

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Technology and multitasking

The execution of several tasks at the same time, for many people, is a positive thing. However, our brain doesn't like this overload of work that much, so memory can end up being damaged. In addition, most of the time multitasking is harmful, not only for memory, but also for cognitive performance in general.

This occurs because it ends up compromising personal concentration, reducing information processing and compromising the quality of performance. This all worsens the ability to later recall some specific situations and experiences. Finally, children and adolescents who have attention problems, sleep disorders and anxiety have these problems directly linked to digital multitasking.

the stress

Stress is a physiological response and a strong modulator of memory function. However, memory consists of different components, and stress exerts different effects depending on the type of memory. For example, working memory allows temporary storage of information with limited capacity, called memory of the present, which helps us remember something here and now and which creates 'drawers' with memories future.

Experts claim that there is an important effect of stress on cell aging, but the long-term impact is still unclear. In addition, psychiatrists claim that we are not made to absorb so much information at the same time and that, when we are children and we go through the transition of adolescence, the most used neurons stay and the least used ones go although.

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