To understand this definition, we need to analyze the balance of the body, in which we will have the moment of a force (which is the capacity of this force to make an object rotate).
The moment of a force is represented by the mathematical equation: M = Fd, responsible for calculating the rotation of the body when it is under the action of a force around a point.
Binary is the action of two forces of the same intensity, direction and opposite directions applied at different points.
Even suffering the action of two forces, the torque tends to produce only one rotation.
The balance of a torque can only happen with another torque, because if a single force acts on the body, it would cause a net force different from zero (R≠0), which cannot occur, since the force of a torque is zero (R = 0), since there is no acceleration during the movement.
The mathematical representation of binary is given by the equation:
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Mbinary = Fb
Mbinary = moment of a torque (torque)
F = strength intensity
b = torque arm (distance)
Note: The torque arm is the distance between the acting forces.
A routine and practical example of torque is the use of a screwdriver. When we turn the wrench to tighten a screw, the symmetrical forces existing in relation to the rotation axis form the torque, and the torque of this torque makes it possible to turn the screwdriver.
By Talita A. angels
Graduated in Physics
Brazil School Team
mechanics - Physics - Brazil School
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ANGELS, Talita Alves dos. "Binary"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.