Meaning of Caste (What it is, Concept and Definition)

caste is a traditional, hereditary or social system of stratification, under the law and based on classifications such as race, culture, occupation, religion, etc.

Caste in Sanskrit (an ancient language spoken in India) means "color".

In biology, caste is a group of individuals that belong to an animal or plant species and that have similar characteristics transmitted by heredity.

In viticulture, a variety is a variety that produces grapes with specific or similar characteristics.

In oenology, it is the aromas transmitted to the wine by the grapes that gave rise to it, and it is possible to identify the varieties with which they were produced through tasting.

social caste

India and some Hindu countries, such as Nepal, have a caste system, which is a major social division in Hindu society, however the Indian Constitution rejects discrimination on the basis of caste, in line with the democratic and secular principles that founded the nation.

At castes are a hereditary social group, in which the individual's condition passes from father to son, and each member can only marry people from his own group.

There are four types of castes in India: the brahmin, which are the priests and scholars, the kshatriya, which are the warriors, the vaishaswhich are the merchants, and the shudrasdra, which are the serfs, that is, the peasants, artisans and workers.

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