Meaning of Affection (What it is, Concept and Definition)

affection is a manifestation of solidarity, compassion, affection and attention that is exchanged between living beings, mainly mammals.

A gesture of affection is not restricted to physical contact, such as kisses and hugs, but also to broader and more symbolic actions.

Affection is a delicate demonstration that is not divided by color, race, religion, culture or sex, and it can even occur between human beings and other animals, or even among the animals themselves.

A person considered affectionate is one who shows affection towards others, whether they are friends, family or even strangers.

The exchange of affection is essential for the emotional balance of the human being, in addition to being important for the individual's health.

The act of receiving and giving affection activates the release of certain hormones that help fight stress and sadness, such as dopamine and serotonin.

Demonstrations of affection can also be conveyed through text messages, where the content is intended to cheer, help or provide support and solidarity to the recipient.

Affection is a powerful weapon for the stability of peace, as the popular saying goes: “good begets good”.

Etymologically, in the Portuguese language, this name would have appeared through the Spanish version affection.

Learn more about the meaning of love.

Synonyms of affection

  • Consideration
  • appreciation
  • Affection
  • coziness
  • mimo
  • Cafuné
  • Caress
  • sweetness
  • Sweetness
  • Tenderness
  • Delicacy
  • care
  • Protection
  • Heads up

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