Meaning of Respect (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Respect is a masculine noun from Latin respectuswhich is a positive feeling and means action or effect of to respect, appreciation, consideration, deference.

In its Latin origin, the word respect meant "to look again". So something that deserves a second look is something worthy of respect. For this reason, respect can also be a form of veneration, worshiping or paying homage to someone, as the expression "to pay your respects" indicates. Having respect for someone can also imply a behavior of submission and fear.

Respect is one of the most important values ​​of human beings and has great importance in social interaction. Respect prevents one person from having reprehensible attitudes towards another. Many religions address the issue of respect for others, because mutual respect represents one of the most basic and essential forms of healthy coexistence.

One of the important questions about respect is that to be respected you must know how to respect, which in many cases does not happen. Respecting does not mean agreeing in all areas with another person, but it does mean not discriminate or offend that person. person because of their way of life or their choices (as long as these choices do no harm and disrespect the others).

Respect can also be a feeling that leads to obedience and compliance with certain norms (eg respect for the law). Talking about a topic with respect (such as different religions, beliefs and behaviors) is to speak thoughtfully and sensitively.

The word respect is also a way of referring to something through expressions like: "about", "with respect to", which can be replaced by the expression "relative to". Ex: The politician was interrogated by many protesters but the only thing he said was that he would not talk about this matter.

The expression "it concerns" indicates something that belongs or is the responsibility of someone else. Ex: Don't ask again because this subject doesn't concern you.

See too the qualities of a person.

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