Meaning of Ductility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Ductility and the quality or property of what is ductile, that is, from the which is flexible, elastic, malleable, which can be compressed or reduced to threads without breaking. Which can be stretched without breaking.

Ductility, in the figurative meaning, means docile, gentle, flexible, treatable, easily accommodated to circumstances and time. To have ductility is to be a compromiser.

Ductility of metals

Ductility is one of the various mechanical properties of metals that give them the quality of withstanding malleability to the point of deforming without breaking. It is the ability to be deformed, stretched and bent, without cracking and without losing its strength. Ex.: gold, silver, copper etc.

In addition to ductility, metals also have the mechanical property of toughness, that is, the resistance they have when they are subjected to traction force, which can lead from deformation to break. It is the amount of energy a material can absorb before it breaks.

See also the meaning of general properties of matter.

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