Complaint letter: what is it, structure, example

São Paulo, November 18, 2019

To company "x",

I, Lucia, bought a notebook branded “tal” and model “z”, on November 18 this year, on the store's official website. The computer had, among other qualities, fast operation, ample memory and practicality, the latter considering that the product should have light weight, facilitating its loading.

Upon receiving the product at home, I was startled at first by the weight of the box, which I thought was too high, but I reflected that it could be due to the Styrofoam and accessories. I opened the package and, to my surprise, the weight of the box was actually the computer's.

Still doubting my judgment, I weighed the two notebooks, my old and new, to test the difference. The old product weighed 1,650 kg, and the new product (lightness advertisement) weighed 1,800 kg. I reiterate that, among the advertising phrases, there was the statement "the lightest product in history and present in the market", something that, clearly, it's not real, because, in addition to not having the slightest weight, my old model is still available on the market, so they are two lies in one sentence only.

I am disappointed. I bought a product considering the weight, after all, my profession requires a lot of mobility accompanied by the computer. However, I was tricked and ended up getting worse than I already was.

Therefore, I send this letter formalizing the complaint and requesting the company's position regarding my problem. If no action is taken, I will try to resolve it by legal and legal means.

Lucia Silva and Silva

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