Earth, planet of life

The biosphere is the part where life develops, responsible for providing conditions for propagation to living beings (animals and plants), the average temperature of the Earth is 15OC, essential for the development of life.

On planets like Venus and Mercury the temperature is 100O C and in others the temperature is 40O Ç. The elements that provide the propagation of life are temperature, water and oxygen, indispensable for any living being.
The biosphere is composed or constituted by the hydrosphere (liquid part present on Earth, seas, rivers, lakes etc.), atmosphere (set of gases that surround the Earth, responsible for the consolidation of climates and phenomena such as rain, winds, snow) and the lithosphere (it is the earth's surface where living beings inhabit and the stage of relationships human beings).
The biosphere ranges from the smallest to the largest ecosystems.
Ecosystem is a set of relationships between living beings and the physical elements of nature, such as soil, water, air and solar energy, these relationships occur in any dimension.

The varieties of environments occur as a result of differences in climate, terrain and amount of solar energy, and all of this has a relationship of interdependence of the elements, this means that if an ecosystem undergoes any change, the reflections can be perceived in others as well. ecosystems.

Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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