Domestic cat (Felis catus)

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Gender: Felis
Species: Felis catus

Domestic cats are animals belonging to the Family Felidae, and Genus Felis. Some authors consider them to be a subspecies of the wild cat, the wild felis, restricted to Africa, Asia and Europe. Others claim that both are distinct species. Thus, domestic cats can be referred to by scientific names Felis sylvestris catus or simply, Felis catus.

The process of domestication of these animals is poorly understood, and there are lines of research that indicate that such individuals may have passed through a process of "self-domestication", that is: having little or no participation of our species, directly talking. It is believed that this fact is related to the intensive planting of cereals, about 10,000 years ago, which led to the attraction of rodents, with the consequent attraction of cats to such places. Egyptian records, which date back to over 2300 BC. Ç. already had references to the human coexistence with these felids.

When they are not raised alone, in a domestic environment, cats tend to live in packs, usually composed of several females and their young; while males live alone, approaching the group during reproductive periods.

At five months of age, females already reach sexual maturity, whereas in males this period occurs around one year of age. During mating, they make a typical sound, similar to that of a child crying. Gestation usually lasts just over two months, giving rise to approximately five offspring that will have an average life expectancy of fifteen years. The mother assists her offspring for several months, until they gain greater autonomy.

Such animals have an average of 30 centimeters in height, 55 in length and 3 kilograms of mass. They are very flexible, with padded feet and retractable nails; and touch, sight, and hearing are well refined. Furthermore, they have two very curious behavioral characteristics: the act of licking themselves and the fact that they are not very obedient compared to dogs.


The domestic cat, due to its great independence, its high adaptability and the few predators it has, is considered one of the 100 invasive alien species of the world, preying on native species and with the potential to impact ecosystems through interspecific competition (between different species) and the introduction of parasites and illnesses.
Considering this fact, and also the large number of abandoned and mistreated cats; it is always good to remember the importance of responsible ownership of these animals, considering the possibility of your castration, avoiding overpopulation and providing a more docile behavior to your pet. pet. In addition, responsible tenure requires the provision of quality food, regular veterinary care and when. if there is any health problem, and also the act of giving care and attention to the pussy, avoiding leaving it alone for too long time.

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education

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