Abducted teen found 1,000 km from home

A teenager who had been kidnapped a few days earlier was found last Friday, March 10th. The young woman, aged just 13, disappeared on the outskirts of Dallas, Texas (USA), and was found more than a thousand kilometers from home.

As published by Local 12, the teenager was locked in a shed outside Davidson, North Carolina. The exact distance between the two points is 1,600 kilometers.

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How did the teenager disappear?

According to local police investigators, the young woman would have known her supposed kidnapper, Jorge Camacho, online. After that, the two would have arranged a meeting to meet in person.

“[Officers] discovered that the teenager was communicating with an adult male through social media chat platforms”, said Davidson County Sheriff Richie Simmons.

“The content of the conversation was consistent with grooming and seduction. And he induced her to leave the house where he picked her up in the Dallas area.”, completed.

And how did they find her?

The Davidson County Sheriff's Office worked closely with the FBIto track where the teenager and her kidnapper were. Still according to the website Location 12, the investigators started from a tip. Thereafter, they held a traffic stop.

Sheriff Simmons reported that they had reached the girl, locked in a shed along the Linwood Southmont Road. The young woman was rescued and taken to a local hospital for treatment. Now, she is back at her home in Dallas, Texas.

Jorge Camacho was indicted on several counts. Among them is rape and indecent liberties with a minor. He is in jail and could be released on bail. However, the value stipulated by the Justice of the United States is approximately US$ 1 million (more than R$ 5 million in the current exchange rate).

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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