What is syllabic division?

1) The initial consonant not followed by a vowel remains in the syllable that follows it:

gno-se, pneu-mo-tó-rax, etc.

2) The consonant not followed by a vowel, when inside the word, must remain in the syllable that precedes it:

obs-ti-na-tion, op-tion, ethnicity, etc.

3) Initial consonant groups of syllables should not be separated:

I did it to you, to-mor-, to-chin-ca, etc.

4) Separate the sc inside the word, each letter being in a syllable:

a-do-les-cer, pis-ci-na, as-cen-der, etc.

5) The s of the prefixes bis, cis, des, dis, trans it's the x of the prefix ex they do not separate when the next syllable starts with a consonant. However, if the syllable starts with a vowel, they form a syllable with it and separate from the prefix element:

bis-ne-ta, dis-car-tar, trans-pa-rence, ex-tra, de-ses-pe-ro, e-xér-ci-to, etc.

6) The letters cc, cc, rr and ss must be separated, one must remain in the syllable that precedes it and the other in the following syllable:

co-or-de-na-tion, in-te-lec-tion, ir-re-pa-rable, etc.

7) Vowels must not be separated from increasing or decreasing diphthongs, nor from tritongues:

a-bis-more, au-to-no-mia, fell, a-ve-ri-gues, arose, i-same, joi-as, etc.

8) In cases of transliteration, when the passage to the next line of a text, compound words or words in which there is a hyphen, the hyphen must be repeated at the beginning of the next line:

vice admiral

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