Study suggests aliens may be using black holes

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Over the centuries, the issue of life beyond Earth has remained one of humanity's great dilemmas. In fact, not even modern science seems to resolve this issue. However, a new study seeks to give a new perspective to the situation by suggesting the possible storage of data in black holes as a study hypothesis. Understand better throughout the article.

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Recently, scientists from Germany and Georgia submitted a article for the scientific journal International Journal of Astrobiology awaiting review for publication. However, even without publication, the article has already drawn a lot of attention from the scientific community by proposing a new look at the issue of life beyond Earth.

This is because the article seeks to present a new solution to the Fermi paradox, which represents the contradiction between the high chances of extraterrestrial life and the absence of evidence. For these researchers, the big problem is that we are simply looking in the wrong places, which reduces the possibility of success.

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Therefore, we should be looking for technological signatures of these beings whose construction could be around celestial objects.

With this, we could understand the celestial bodies themselves, such as white dwarf stars and black holes, as traces of these civilizations. More precisely the black holes, given the large reserve of energy.

Black holes like quantum computers

The hypothesis that draws the most attention in this new study is that black holes could serve as a kind of quantum computer. This is because, according to the theory of British astrophysicist Roger Penrose, black holes can be infinite sources of energy.

So a black hole would be the perfect place to store data.

As a suggestion, the study proposes the use of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory to study these supposed signatures technological.

In this case, the scientists believe that this technology present in America would be able to detect a type radiation present in black holes and thus capture evidence of a civilization extraterrestrial.
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