Causes of World War II

World War II was a conflict that involved 72 countries in its six years of duration.The war start...

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Socratic Method: Irony and Maieutics

Socratic Method: Irony and Maieutics

Socrates (470-399 a. C.) is the great landmark of Western philosophy. Even though he is not the f...

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World War II: Causes, Phases and Consequences

World War II: Causes, Phases and Consequences

World War II was a conflict that lasted six years, from September 1, 1939 to August 8, 1945. The ...

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Characteristics of the Roman Empire

Characteristics of the Roman Empire

The Roman Empire lasted from 27 a. Ç. – 476 d. Ç. During this period, power was exercised by the ...

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Second Industrial Revolution: what it was, characteristics and main inventions

The Second Industrial Revolution is the second moment in the period of great economic and social ...

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Meaning of Totalitarianism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Totalitarianism or totalitarian regime is a political system based on an ideology that places the...

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Feudalism: what it is, characteristics and division of feudal society

Feudalism: what it is, characteristics and division of feudal society

Feudalism was a mode of social, political and cultural organization easement-based, where the rur...

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Crusades: what they were, causes and consequences

Crusades: what they were, causes and consequences

The Crusades were a series of wars carried out by the Catholic Church between the years 1096 and ...

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The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World (or New Seven Wonders of the World) represent the most impo...

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Meaning of Illuminati (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Meaning of Illuminati (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Illuminati is the name of a secret group that aims to take over the world by founding a New world...

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How is North Korea? Discover the history, leaders and trivia

How is North Korea? Discover the history, leaders and trivia

North Korea is a country located in the northern hemisphere of the Asian continent and borders Ch...

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Fascist: fascist concept, characteristics and quotes

Fascist is an adjective that defines something or someone adept at fascism.The term fascist can q...

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