World War II was a conflict that involved 72 countries in its six years of duration.
The war starts on September 1, 1939 and ends only in August 1945. On the 8th of August the Soviet Union invades the territories occupied by Japan in China and on the 15th of the same month the war ends in Europe.
The dispute took place between the Allied countries and the Axis countries. You allies they were England, the Soviet Union, France and the United States. The countries of Axle were Germany, Italy and Japan. After the years of battle, the war was won by the Allies.
Several were the causes that led to the outbreak of this conflict of enormous proportions, which involved countries from all continents.
Find out now five of the main causes of the start of World War II.
1. German expansionism
Adolf Hitler's desire for German expansionism initially arises from the need to obtain more raw materials for the country.
Added to this, there was a desire to unite the Aryan "race", which he believed to be superior to the rest. The dictator wanted to gather the Aryan population that lived in other European territories, such as Austria, Rhineland and Poland.
Also in 1936, Hitler and the German army invaded the Rhineland region, ignoring the clause in the Treaty of Versailles, which determined that the region could not be militarized.
Also read about the Arianism and Nazism.
2. Disputes for territories
The occurrence of other territorial disputes was also definitive for the outbreak of the conflict. In addition to Germany's desire for expansion, other countries - such as Italy and Japan, which during the war formed the Axis, together with Germany - they also advanced and invaded nations to add new territories.
Italy, which at the time was ruled by Benito Mussollini, invaded the Abyssinian region on the African continent. The attack took place between 1935 and 1936 and the event became known as the Second Italo-Ethiopian War.
The territory, which now belongs to Ethiopia, was annexed to Italy on May 7, 1936. The Italian occupation in the region lasts until the year 1941.
Japan, at that time, had a large population for its small area. As a solution, the country's government wanted to expand its territorial domain to Chinese regions.
Between 1931 and 1932, the Japanese army invaded Manchuria and the place was occupied until the end of World War II.
The definitive end of Japanese control over the region only occurs in 1945, when the Soviet Union also invades the region and returns it to the Chinese government.
3. Germany's revenge against France
Germany's revanchism comes as a result of the German defeat in World War I. This feeling made the German dictator disrespect the provision of the Treaty of Versailles.
The Versailles Treaty
The Treaty was signed in 1919 and officially ended the First War. In the document it was determined that Germany would assume the responsibilities for having caused the beginning of the war.
In addition, the country has also committed to making some territorial returns. The determination referred to the countries that formed the Triple Entente: France, England and Russia.
Learn more about the Treaty of Versailles and First World War.
4. Investment in arms production
The arms production that took place in countries like Italy and Germany, during the 1930s, influenced the existence of World War II, since the investment was essential to ensure the advancement and achievement of territories.
Thus, the development of the arms industry turned out to be a very relevant factor with a direct influence on the war.
It is known, for example, that in the last year of the conflict - 1945 - Germany produced 500 thousand tons of military material.
5. Invasion of Poland
It is this event that marks the beginning of the war. Out of his desire for territorial conquest, Adolf Hitler determines the invasion of the country by the German army on September 1, 1939.
He wanted to annex territories of the country to Germany, as he had already done with Austria in 1936 and Czechoslovakia in 1938.
To protect itself from the threat, Poland signs a protection agreement with England and France, with the commitment that both would support the Polish army in case of attack. The two countries, after the beginning of the war, would integrate the Allied countries.
Poland is defeated by the German army and World War II officially begins. On September 3, 1939, two days after the invasion, France and England declared war on Germany.
Find out more details about the Second World War and see 7 landmark events of WWII.