Meaning of Illuminati (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

IlluminatiIlluminati is the name of a secret group that aims to take over the world by founding a New world order.

The word illuminati is a Latin term meaning "enlightened" and represents a secret order or society that has the enlightenment as the basis of their doctrines.

As it is a secret group, it is surrounded by great mystery and there are several theories that prove or deny its existence. Despite this, almost all authors who speak out on this subject agree that the purpose of Illuminati is to achieve total world domination through political, economic and social.

The NWO (New World Order) or New World Order in Portuguese, would be a global government, which has authority over the whole world. Several people believe that one of the goals of this new world order and illuminati it would keep the world population below 500 million people. This means that many people would have to be eliminated.

There are also theories that indicate that illuminati they manipulate various foods and water to cause infertility and sterilization, decreasing the world's population.

Another very common connection is with the Bilderberg Group or Bilderberg Club, a secret club that organizes meetings for just 130 people, who have a great influence in the world. There is speculation that what is decided at these conferences dictates the future of the rest of the world. This club is so named because the first organized meeting (in 1954) took place at the Bildenberg hotel in the Netherlands.

This is a subject that involves many plots, manipulations and conspiracy theories and for this reason it is often not possible to confirm the veracity of the information that is available.

Illuminati Symbols

Some of symbols best known of the illuminati they are the triangle or pyramid, the "all-seeing eye", the owl and the obelisk.

Several authors list the illuminati with Freemasonry and so sometimes equivalent symbols exist.

Within the realm of religion, many Christians believe that the leader of the New World Order and the illuminati he will be the Anti-Christ and the establishment of that order will correspond to the beginning of the end of the world.

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