What is Candomblé: its main orixás and rituals

What is Candomblé: its main orixás and rituals

Candomblé is Afro-Brazilian religion in which the worship of deities of African origin called ori...

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Fixism: what is it, origin, fixism X evolutionism

Fixism: what is it, origin, fixism X evolutionism

It is the non-religious theory that species alive today are identical to those in the past.Fixism...

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Meaning of Hexagram (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Meaning of Hexagram (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

hexagram is a geometric shape in the shape of a six-pointed star, composed of two equilateral tri...

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Meaning of Kyrie Eleison (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

kyrie eleison means "Lord have mercy", is a term of Greek origin. Kyrie eleison is also a Christi...

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Meaning of Protestant Reformation (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

THE Protestant Reformation was the movement of church renewal led by Martin Luther. It took place...

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Meaning of Demand (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Demand means the quantity of a good or service that consumers want to buy for a price set in a ma...

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What is Inbound Marketing and how it works

What is Inbound Marketing and how it works

Inbound Marketing is the set of strategies that uses the production of relevant content on a part...

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Child development: what is it and what are the stages

Child development: what is it and what are the stages

Child development is a learning process that children go through to acquire and improve various s...

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Meaning of Lent (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Lent is the designation of forty-day period preceding the main celebration of Christianity: Easte...

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Meaning of Freemasonry (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Meaning of Freemasonry (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Masonry is discreet society, in which the shares are reserved only for those who participate in i...

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Populism: understand more about this political practice

Populism: understand more about this political practice

Populism it is a political practice whose leader takes it upon himself to save the country and th...

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Characteristics of Developed Countries

One parents developed brings together a series of conditions that result in positive indicators f...

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