Meaning of Freemasonry (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Masonry is discreet society, in which the shares are reserved only for those who participate in it. Freemasonry is a universal society, whose members cultivate the classism, humanism, the principles of freedom, democracy, equality, fraternity and intellectual improvement.

Freemasonry admits that every man is free and has good customs, without distinction of race, religion, political ideals or social position. Its only requirements are that the candidate must have a philanthropic spirit and always strive for perfection.

The term Freemasonry is of French origin, and means construction. The term Freemason is the Portuguese version of the French; Freemasonry by extension means "masons association".

How does Freemasonry work?

You Freemasons they are structured and meet in autonomous cells, called workshops, ateliers or stores, all equal in rights and honors, and independent of each other.

There are, in the world, approximately 6 million members spread across 5 continents. Of these, 3 million in the US, 1.2 million in the UK and 1 million in the rest of the world. In Brazil, there are about 170 thousand Freemasons and 4,700 stores.

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Freemasonry works based on two fundamental concepts: fraternity and respect for freedom.

Brotherhood is based on the idea that all human beings were created by the same force that governs the universe. Thus, all people are equal and must treat each other with respect and solidarity.

In relation to freedom, the order defends that all people, despite their differences, must live together in a society based on respect and solidarity.

Thus, Freemasonry preaches that respect for freedom leads to a fairer and more equal society, in which all people must fulfill the same obligations and have the same rights.

How to be part of Freemasonry?

To be a member of Freemasonry, a formal invitation is required and it is mandatory that the individual be initiated by other Freemasons.

Furthermore, to remain in the order of the Freemasons, it is necessary to fulfill a series of oaths and obligations, whether esoteric or symbolic; the Freemason must also be integrated into a lodge.

For a person to become a Freemason, there are some requirements: to believe in the Superior Being, creator of the universe and to live an honorable life, based on good moral and brotherhood habits.

After being accepted into the order, the Freemason also has obligations: he must respect the norms of society and be able to keep the rituals secret. It must also work constantly for the maintenance of social justice, based on values ​​such as solidarity, freedom and equality.

Also find out which 5 supposed practices of Freemasonry you still don't know about and the Freemasonry Curiosities.

Is Freemasonry a Religion?

Freemasonry is not a religion, but the order has a connection with religiosity and spirituality, as its members believe in the existence of a Superior Force that rules the universe. For Freemasons this force is called "Great Architect of the Universe".

Furthermore, Freemasonry makes no distinction between the different religious beliefs that exist, being tolerant of all forms of faith. People of all religions can be accepted into the order, the only requirement is that the Freemason believes in the existence of the Creator of the Universe.

Freemasonry just does not accept that its members are atheists, that is, that they do not believe in the existence of the Superior Being who created and rules the universe.

For some people, Freemasonry is related to the Satanism or other mysterious groups like the illuminati. Despite this, this relationship is not clear, and there is no concrete evidence to prove this association.

The eye that sees everything

The "All-Seeing Eye" is one of the strongest and most well-known symbols of Freemasonry. He is the representation of the presence of the Creative Force of the universe and is present in all Masonic lodges to remind the watchful eye of the "Great Architect of the Universe".

eyeThe eye that sees everything.

Origin of Freemasonry

Freemasonry began as a secret society that emerged linked to the ideas of humanitarian secularism and liberal enlightenment.

Originally, it was one of the secret societies of the 17th century, supported by foundations of the philosophy of nature and even the art of alchemy. This relationship is present in the symbolism of signs and numbers (the triad, the triangle, the circle).

They formed privileged corporations, which avoided all municipal regulations and kept the secrets of the profession.

Freemasonry has a strong link with the tradition of construction. The symbolism of the construction is present in its name, in the objects of worship, emblems and ritual (hammer, palette, square, mandil). Also in terminology such as the degrees of master, companion and apprentice.

The Grand Lodge of Freemasonry was created in England in 1717, and united the four London lodges. The elected leader was known as the Grand Master. Open to all religious beliefs, Freemasonry became a receptacle for the philosophy of Enlightenment and quickly spread to the entire European Continent.

At the end of the 18th century, there were already 700 stores in France, composed of nobles, members of the middle class and the clergy. The spread of Freemasonry took place despite the prohibition made by Popes Clement XIII and Benedict XIV in 1738 and 1751.

Freemasonry and Politics

Although the political influence exerted by Freemasonry is not clear, several historical moments were carried out by its members.

Characters such as George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and the Masonic principles reflected in the United States Declaration of Independence. The French Revolution also used Freemasonry to obtain the motto "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity".

The opinions and personal political choices of Freemasons must be respected by other members of Freemasonry. However, to avoid the occurrence of any kind of misunderstanding between the members of the order, discussions on the subject within Freemasonry are not allowed.

See too:

  • Satanism
  • Illuminati
  • Enlightenment
  • 8 Symbols That Can Be the Mark of an Illuminati

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